Poem: Indian Weavers
The title ‘Indian Weavers’ focuses over Indian artisans particularly weavers. It is written by Sarojini Naidu. It is a short poem consisting of three stanzas having four lines each. The poet tells about three types of dresses that the Indian weavers weave at three particular times of the day. Metaphorically the dress weaved in the specific time of day symbolises a particular stage of life.
The poem ‘Indian Weavers’ is in the form of a dialogue between the poetess and the weavers. The poetess presents a common picture of weavers’ routine work. Through this work, she compares the three main phases of human life – childhood, adulthood and old age. Here, we find a beautiful symphony of colours of the garments, the wings of birds and phases of human life.
The poem ‘Indian Weavers’ highlights the craft and skill of Indian weavers. The poetess has very nicely presented three phases of life. The life cycle is befittingly depicted from the work of weavers.
It reminds a Classic Marathi song-
‘एक धागा सुखाचा, शंभर धागे दुःखाचे.
जरतारी हे वस्त्र मानवा, तुझिया आयुष्याचे’
Ice Breakers
A) Artisans are also called craftsmen. They are creators of diverse goods and use their hands to create unique, functional and also decorative items using traditional techniques. Now complete the web given below:
Different types of artisans | 1) Goldsmith |
2) Cobbler | |
3) Potter | |
4) Mason | |
5) Weaver | |
6) Carpenter | |
7) Sculptor | |
8) Blacksmith | |
9) Jeweller | |
10) Musical instrument makers |
B) List the seasons/occasions when we need:
(a) woollen clothes – winter
(b) casual clothes – home
(c) rich silk clothes – festivals, weddings, party
(d) colourful, comfortable clothes – travelling, picnic
C) Let’s play a game. The teacher will ask the students some questions. Students will understand that there are some exceptions to the general rules. Let’s start.
1) One who weaves is a – weaver
2) One who plays a game is a – sportsman
3) One who sings is a – singer
4) One who dances is a – dancer
5) One who teaches is a – teacher
6) One who cooks is a – chef
D) We have often seen the picture of Gandhiji spinning on his charkha. Discuss the reasons behind this. One has been given for you.

(a) To give rural people an opportunity to earn their livelihood.
(b) To promote Indian handicraft skill
(c) To make a symbol synonymous with the power of self-reliance, perseverance, and determination.
(d) Mahatma Gandhi initiated the Swadeshi movement by taking up the charkha and encouraging the Indians to spin their own cloth.
E) Name some tools used by the weavers.
a) Loom
b) Tapestry Needle
c) Warp Yarn
d) Shed Stick
e) Weaving Comb
f) Scissors
g) Weaving Yarns
h) Dowels
i) Bobbin

F) Name some types of yarns used by the weavers.
a) Linen
b) Alpaca Fiber
c) Sheep’s Wool
d) Silk from Silkworms
e) Hemp
f) Cotton
g) Bamboo
h) Rayon
i) Nylon
j) Jute
New words: 1) Weaving – interlacing threads to produce fabrics or cloth 2) Break of day – morning, dawn, sunrise 3) Halcyon – Asian/African kingfisher bird 4) Wild – untamed, free 5) Robe – dress, clothe, frock, dressing gown, housecoat 6) Plumes – feathers of bird, quills 7) Marriage-veils – bridal veils, wedding veils ( Hindi – Chunari ), bridal gown, specially to cover face 8) Solemn – serious, sober 9) Still – rest, stable, silent 10) Chill – extreme cool 11) Funeral – burial, cremation, last rites 12) Shroud – white cloth for dead body 13) Fall of night– late evening 14) Bright garments– brightly (shining) colored garments 15) Solemn and still– sacred, serious, quiet 16) Moonlight chill– cold dead night 17) Gay – with happiness or with fun |
See Picture Presentation and Paraphrase of the poem: 2-2 Indian Weavers

See more:
See Video on the poem Indian Weavers- Part – 1

Video on the poem Indian Weavers- Part 2

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The weavers start their weaving at the morning (rise of a day). The poetess compares the cloth with the blue coloured wing of a wild halcyon and asks the weavers why they look so happy while weaving the garment/cloth. In response, the weavers answer that they are weaving a dress for the new born baby so they are so happy. Here, break of day is metaphorical used for the birth and the first phase of human life which is a happy moment for everyone including the weavers.
The weavers continue their work during fall of night (evening). The poetess compares the garment/cloth with the purple green coloured feathers of a peacock and asks again the weavers why they are weaving so shiny garment/cloth. In response, the weavers answer that they are weaving a bridal veils of a queen so it’s fresh and bright. Here, fall of night is metaphorical used for the adulthood and the most important second phase of human life. It is a phase of merry days that brightens every aspects of human life.
The weavers carry out their work during the cold moonlight also. But their mood is serous and silent. The garment they are weaving is white. The poetess very ingeniously compares the white garment/cloth metaphorically with a quill and a also with a white cloud. The poetess asks again the weavers why they are weaving the white garment/cloth. In response, the weavers answer solemnly that they are weaving that white cloth for a dead body for its final rites (cremation). Here, the phrase ‘cold moonlight’ is metaphorical used to the final phase of human life i.e. death which is eternal truth.
The poetess has used two metaphors in the last stanza to compare the white cloth. Within that the metaphoric use of the phrase ‘white as a cloud’ needs deeper interpretation as if the white cloud (cloth) finally shrouds every dead and takes away it to its ‘Final Destination’ or ‘Final Rest’. The last two lines create the feelings of pathos in minds of the readers, the poetess and the weavers.
Figures of Speech and Explanation:
1. Weavers, weaving at break of day.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.Climax – The words are arranged in the ascending order.Metaphor – The birth (childhood stage of man) is implicitly compared with a break of day.
2. Why do you weave a garment so gay? . . .
Alliteration – The sound of letters ‘w’ and ‘g’ are repeated.Interrogation – A question is used for emphasis.
3. Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild.
Inversion – The words are not in correct order. The correct word order is – The wing of a halcyon wild (is) blue.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
Simile – The blue coloured cloth is directly compared with a wing of wild halcyon.
4. We weave the robes of a new-born child.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
5. Weavers, weaving at fall of night.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
Climax – The words are arranged in the ascending order.
Metaphor- Adulthood (young – the second stage of man) is implicitly compared with the fall of night.
6. Why do you weave a garment so bright?
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.Interrogation – The question mark is used.
7. Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.
Simile – The garment is directly compared with purple & green coloured plumes of peacock.
Anti-climax – The words purple and green are arranged in descending order.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘p’ is repeated.
8. We weave the marriage-veils of a queen.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
9. Weavers, weaving solemn and still.
Alliteration – The sounds of letters ‘w’ and ‘s’ are repeated.
Climax – The words ‘weavers’ and ‘weaving’ are arranged in the ascending order.
Paradox – The line is meaningless / absurd as one cannot carry the work of weaving being still.
Anti-climax – The words ‘solemn’ and ‘still’ are arranged in descending order.
Tautology – The words ‘solemn’ and ‘still’ are similar in meaning.
10. What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
Interrogation – A question is used for emphasis.
Inversion – The words are not in correct order. The correct word order is – What do you weave in the chill moonlight?
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
Metaphor – death (old age – the third and last stage of man’s life) is implicitly compared with moonlight.
11. White as a feather and white as a cloud.
Repetition – The words ‘white’ and ‘as’ are repeated.
Simile – The garment is directly compared with a feather and a cloud.
12. We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud.
Alliteration – The sound of letter ‘w’ is repeated.
13) White as a feather and as a cloud,
We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud.
Simile- funeral shroud is directly compared with a feather and a cloud.
The poem ‘Indian Weavers’ highlights the craft and skill of Indian weavers. The poetess has very nicely presented three phases of life. The life cycle is befittingly depicted from the work of weavers.
Activity No. 1
Q. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (10)
WEAVERS, weaving at break of day, Why do you weave a garment so gay? . . . Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild, We weave the robes of a new-born child. Weavers, weaving at fall of night, Why do you weave a garment so bright? . . . Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green, We weave the marriage-veils of a queen. Weavers, weaving solemn and still, What do you weave in the moonlight chill? . . . White as a feather and white as a cloud, We weave a dead man’s funeral shroud. |
A1. Complete (2)
Complete the table taking information from the extract.
विणकराचे काम दिवसाची वेळ व मानवी जीवनातील घटना यानुसार माहिती लिहून खालील टेबल पूर्ण करा.
Weaver’s work | |
Time of the day | Events of life |
Early Morning | Birth |
——————————– | ——————————— |
——————————– | ——————————— |
Weaver’s work | |
Time of the day | Events of life |
Early Morning | Birth |
Evening | Marriage |
Night | Death |
A2. Describe (2)
Describe the work of weavers at the fall of night.
संध्याकाळी विणकर करत असलेल्या कामाचे वर्णन करा.
At the fall of day, the weavers are weaving the clothes which are bright. They have beautiful colours. They are made for the queen who will use them during the marriage ceremony.
A3. Personal response (2)
Express your views in 50 words about the present condition of weavers working in the cloth factory.
कापड कारखान्यात काम करणाऱ्या विणकरांच्या सद्ध्याच्या स्थितीबद्दल तुमचे मत दया.
The work of the weavers in the cloth factory is not so good. They have to work mostly in unhealthy atmosphere. They have to work on meagre amount. The weavers do not get proper value for their work as the machines are making good copies of their work easily. There may be few exceptions to this condition but in my opinion this profession is not so good.
A4. Poetic device (2)
Like the plumes of a peacock, purple and green.
(Name and explain the figure of speech. Find another example of the same from the extract)
Answer: –
Simile: – Clothes weaved by the weavers are directly compared with the plums of peacock.
Another example: – White as a feather and white as a cloud.
A5. Poetic creativity (2)
Compose two poetic lines making rhyme with the following line.
दिलेल्या ओळींशी यमक जुळवणाऱ्या कवितेच्या दोन ओळी लिहा.
Weavers, weaving solemn and still,
Weavers, weaving solemn and still,
They have to wait for their bill,
To make their stomach fill.
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Outstanding !
Outstanding . Please share pdf
Presentation is very good. New words meanings are very useful.
Paraphrase is easy to understand the poet’s inner meaning.
Useful information for students and teachers.
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