Statement of Purpose
A Statement of Purpose (SOP) is an application made to a university to seek admission to a particular course. It is an essay which describes you as a person, your aims and ambitions. It describes your journey of life and the qualities you have nurtured in the process.
स्टेटमेंट ऑफ पर्पज (एसओपी) म्हणजे एखाद्या विशिष्ट कोर्समध्ये प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी विद्यापीठाला केलेला अर्ज. हा एक निबंध आहे जो आपल्याला एक व्यक्ती म्हणून तसेच आपले ध्येय आणि महत्वाकांक्षा या संदर्भातून वर्णन करतो. यात आपल्या जीवनातील प्रवासाबद्दल आणि जीवन प्रक्रियेत आपण वाढवलेल्या गुणांबद्दल लिहिले जाते.
Guidelines for writing SOP:-
1) The Statement of Purpose should be written in around 100 to 150 words.
स्टेटमेंट ऑफ पर्पज सुमारे 150 ते 200 शब्दांत लिहिले जावे.
2) Begin with your introduction, talk about your personal background, your mental make-up and your aim in life.
आपल्या परिचयातून प्रारंभ करा, आपल्या वैयक्तिक पार्श्वभूमीबद्दल, आपली मानसिक जडण-घडण आणि आपल्या जीवनातील उद्दीष्टांबद्दल लिहा.
3) The second paragraph should speak about why you wish to join this specific programme/course, your area of interest.
दुसर्या परिच्छेदात आपण या विशिष्ट प्रोग्राम / कोर्समध्ये, आपल्या आवडीच्या क्षेत्रामध्ये आपण का सामील होऊ इच्छिता याबद्दल लिहा.
4) In the third paragraph, write about your qualities that would be helpful or suitable for this career goal or objective. Show how your hobbies and extracurricular activities would be helpful in strengthening your goals.
तिसर्या परिच्छेदात, आपल्या गुणांबद्दल लिहा जे या करियरच्या उद्दीष्ट्यासाठी किंवा हेतूसाठी उपयुक्त ठरेल. आपले छंद आणि अवांतर क्रिया आपल्या उद्दीष्टे मजबूत करण्यात कशी मदत करतात ते दर्शवा.
5) In the fourth paragraph, mention your experience in this field or any internship/ project you have done. You can state something which makes you distinct from the other applicants.
चौथ्या परिच्छेदामध्ये या क्षेत्रामधील आपल्या अनुभवाचा किंवा आपण केलेल्या कोणत्याही इंटर्नशिप / प्रोजेक्टचा उल्लेख करा. आपण असे काही सांगू शकता जे आपल्याला इतर अर्जदारांपेक्षा वेगळे करते.
6) In the concluding paragraph, state how admission to this particular course, university would be beneficial to you and how you look at it from a long-term career perspective.
शेवटच्या परिच्छेदात सांगा, की या विशिष्ट अभ्यासक्रमासाठी प्रवेश या विद्यापीठात आपल्यासाठी कसा फायद्याचा ठरेल ते लिहा आणि आपण त्यास दीर्घकालीन करिअरच्या दृष्टीकोनातून कसे पाहता त्याचा उल्लेख करा.
What is a Statement of Purpose?
A Statement of Purpose (SOP) is an application made to a university to seek admission to a particular course.
The transcript gives your academic achievement.
SOP gives an idea about your innate qualities. It is subjective in nature.
The SOP gives you an opportunity to show the special qualities which make you distinct from others.
It explains why you want to join the course, what is your liking, how you have developed your liking.
It justifies how you will be able to achieve your aim.
It also explains why you have selected a particular university.
The SOP is a gateway to your career as the admission committee judges you or screens the applications on the basis of the SOPs received.
Hence, it is a very important document.
Essential points to be covered in a SOP:
1. The name of the course applied for.
2. Reasons for taking interest in pursuing the particular course
3 The reasons for selecting a particular University/ Institute or college.
4. The additional skills you are planning to gain from the course.
5. Your special abilities or qualities.
Good SOP can be-
i. Concise
ii. Well-written
iii. Organized
iv. Relevant
v. Showing good qualities of applicant
vi. Presenting positive image of applicant
Remember that-
1) Write the Statement of Purpose in clear and lucid language.
2) Do not make spelling or construction mistakes.
3) Your purpose of choosing this particular course and university reflected through this.
4) Highlight your qualities, life experiences in such a way that your application should stand out from the rest.
Activity No. 1
HSC Board Sept 2021 Exam
You wish to pursue your graduation /diploma at a reputed university in any of the streams of your own choice, either arts, commerce, science, management, medicine, agriculture, engineering, law or any other degree you have in your mind.
You have fixed your career goals and also have similar background to achieve your dreams. Taking help of the above points/information write a ‘Statement of purpose’ in about 100/150 words as a part of your application process to get admission at a university of your choice
I wish to become a doctor. So I need to join the field of medicine. I would like to join Grant Medical College & Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals in Mumbai.
I come from the middle-class family. Once my uncle came back home from his office complaining headache and weakness. He was taken to the doctor who diagnosed him that he was suffering from cancer. I witnessed his pains and agony. He has to take regular treatment. He traveled 60 k.m. to reach the hospital. So, I decided to be a doctor from that moment.
Grant Medical College & Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals is one of the oldest medical institutions. It is run by the government of Maharashtra. It provides good medical training to the undergraduates and postgraduates. It has been consistently ranked among the top 10 medical colleges. Due to this, I wish to seek admission here.
I want to become a good doctor. The college where I want to take admission will give me suitable opportunity to fulfil my dream. This college will give me ample practice to deal with various patients. I believe that ‘Service to man is service to God’ so I want to get this opportunity joining this college.
If I get admission in Grant Medical College & Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, in Maharashtra, it will play a big part in shaping my career as a doctor.
See More-
See more examples of writing skill topics in the following book-

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Activity No.2
You are highly passionate towards becoming a successful business person and therefore want to pursue your higher education in “Business Management”. Your background and skills have motivated you towards business and now you seek admission to accomplish a degree in “Business Management” at a reputed university. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University. |
I am driven by an unwavering passion to become a successful businessperson. I believe that a solid foundation in Business Management is integral to realizing this ambition. My journey, marked by diverse experiences and a constant pursuit of knowledge, has strengthened my commitment to the world of business.
My father was running a book and stationary store. I saw how he dealt with the customers, advertisers, stockholders, and servants. He had done his business smoothly. It’s not a very big business but I learnt the basics of business management at that time.
With a background underscored by a blend of academic excellence and practical exposure, I am eager to embark on the transformative journey of higher education in Business Management at your esteemed university. My skills in strategic thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication, coupled with a relentless work ethic, help me to contribute meaningfully to the academic community.
I am drawn to your university’s reputation for getting innovative thinking and shaping leaders. I am confident that the dynamic curriculum and collaborative environment will fulfill my instincts and empower me to make a lasting impact in the business world.
I am excited about the prospect of joining your vibrant academic community, and I am eager to utilize this opportunity to realize my business aspirations. Thank you for considering my application.
Activity No.3 – HSC Feb. 2024
Imagine, after your HSC, you wish to pursue a degree in ‘bachelors in communication Skills,’ in a reputed university in India or abroad. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ (SOP) in about 150 words which will help you to get admission to your dream university. |
I’m Rahul Mehta, and I’m really excited to share with you my interest in studying communication skills. Therefore, I would like to enroll in the Bachelors Degree in Communication Skills program at your esteemed university.
After finishing my HSC exams, I found I really love communicating well. I realized that communication isn’t just about talking – it’s a powerful tool that can change relationships, affect choices, and help things move forward.
During my time at school, I’ve been involved in debates, public speaking, and drama clubs. These experiences made me even more interested in communication. I’m keen to learn more about different types of communication, like talking one-on-one, using the media, and online communication.
I’m sure that NMU University is the perfect place for me to learn and grow. I’m excited about the chance to learn from skilled teachers and meet people with different viewpoints. In the end, I want to use my communication skills to make a positive difference in different areas. I truly believe that this degree program will give me an amazing chance to improve my communication skills even more.
Written by:
Prof. Hassam Khan
P. D. Night College, Malad. Mumbai
Read this-
HSC Board February 2024 – Writing Skill – Answers
HSC Board July 2024 – Activity Sheet with Answers
Activity No.4 – HSC July. 2024
Imagine you wish to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in ‘Communication Skills,’ at a reputed university in India or abroad to enhance your career in corporate correspondence. Prepare a statement of purpose in about 150 words which will help you to get admission in your dream university. |
From a young age, I have been captivated by the power of words and their ability to influence, persuade, and connect people across different nature and attitude. My passion for communication has grown through various experiences, both academic and extracurricular. It has cemented my desire to pursue a career in this dynamic field. The Bachelor’s degree in Communication Skills at North Maharashtra University presents the perfect opportunity for me to refine my abilities, gain deeper insights into the world of communication, and develop the skills necessary to make a meaningful impact in society.
Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently excelled in language and communication-related subjects. I have always been particularly drawn to English, literature, and public speaking, where I have demonstrated strong analytical and creative skills. My performance in these areas has been consistently strong, as evidenced by my high grades and active participation in debates, elocution competitions, and writing contests. These experiences have not only increased my communication skills but have also taught me the importance of clear, concise, and effective messaging in various contexts.
Beyond the classroom, I have actively sought opportunities to develop my communication skills further. I have been a member of the school debate team, where I learned the art of persuasive argumentation and critical thinking. Additionally, I have volunteered with local non-profit organizations, helping them craft impactful messages for their campaigns and outreach programs. These experiences have given me a practical understanding of how communication can be used as a tool for social change and have fueled my desire to explore this field at a deeper level.
I am particularly interested in working within the realms of public relations, corporate communications, or media, where I can contribute to shaping public perceptions and developing positive relationships between organizations and their audiences. I believe that the Bachelor’s degree in Communication Skills at North Maharashtra University will provide me with the theoretical knowledge, practical experience, and global perspective necessary to achieve these goals. I am confident that this program will provide me with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of communication and make a positive impact in the world.
See Video Presentation – Statement of Purpose
Video Created By- Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
Well written.
Good resources
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Your motivation skill very nice
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