

Poem- Money by William H. Davies

Title of the poem:

The title ‘Money’ shows the influence and importance of money in this world. Money has the ability to change the behaviour of individual persons. Everyone tries to earn a lot of money but surprisingly it is seen that after becoming rich most of the persons loose peace of mind. The poor in comparison to this situation can sleep peacefully and enjoy life neglecting lack of money.

Poet: William H. Davies:

He was a Welsh poet and a writer. He spent a significant part of his life as a tramp (a person who has no home or job and who moves from place to place) or hobo (a traveling worker) in the United Kingdom and the United States.

He became a peddler (Someone who travels about selling his wares -as on the streets or at carnivals) and street singer in England. After several years of a wandering life, he published his first volume, ‘The Soul’s Destroyer and other Poems’.


False Man- wrong person having no sense of true friendship

Knocking- hitting noisily to attract attention.

Trumpet- a brass musical instrument

False world- world based on false concept of pleasure

Hum- sing with closed lips

Frown- show anger

Morn till night- from morning to the night

Untrue- not faithful

Real- original

Figures of Speech

1) For many a false man as a friend

Answer- Alliteration

Explanation- The sound of letter ‘f’ is repeated.

2) Because a man is dead; I dared

Answer- Alliteration

Explanation- The sound of letter ‘d’ is repeated.

3) When I had money, money, O!

Answer- Repetition-

Explanation- The word ‘money’ is repeated.

4) Then felt I like a child that holds

A trumpet that he must not blow.

Answer- Simile

Explanation- The poet is directly compared with a child.

5) And how their wives do hum like bees.

Answer- Simile

Explanation- The wives are directly compared with the bees.

6) Much have I thought of life.

Answer- Inversion

Explanation- The words are not in a correct prose order. The correct prose order is- I have thought much of life.

7) And how their wives do hum like bees

Answer- Onomatopoeia

Explanation- The ‘hum’ express sound

8) So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,

And see the rich ones coldly frown-

Answer- Antithesis

Explanation- The opposite words ‘poor’ and ‘rich’ are used.

9) Poor men, think I, need not go up

So much as rich men should come down.

Answer- Antithesis

Explanation- The opposite words ‘up’ and ‘down’ as well as ‘poor’ and ‘rich’ are used.

10) When I had money, money, O!

Answer- Apostrophe

Explanation- Money is personified and directly addressed.

11) For many a false man as a friend.

Answer- Inversion

Explanation- The words are not in a correct prose order. The correct prose order is ‘A false man as a friend for many’.

12) My many friends proved all untrue.

Answer- Alliteration

Explanation- The sound of letter ‘m’ is repeated.

13) My friends are real, though very few.

Answer- Alliteration

Explanation- The sound of letter ‘f’ is repeated.

14) For many a false man as a friend

Answer- Simile

Explanation- The false man is directly compared to a friend.

15) And how their wives do hum like bees.

Answer- Simile

Explanation- The wives are directly compared to bees.

16) How poor men’s hearts are ever light.

Answer- Metaphor

Explanation- The ‘light’ and the ‘heart of poor man’ are indirectly compared.

17) Poor men, think I, need not go up

Answer- Inversion

Explanation- The words are not in a correct prose order. The correct prose order is – I think poor men need not go up.

18) Because a man is dead; I dared

Answer- Alliteration

Explanation- The sound of letter ‘d’ is repeated.

19) Poor men, think I, need not go up

Answer- Alliteration

Explanation- The sound of letter ‘n’ is repeated.

Activity: Poetic Appreciation-

Q. Write an appreciation of the poem ‘Money’


About the poem-

The poem ‘Money’ is written by a Welsh poet William H. Davies. It is a reflective poem. The poem has five stanzas of four lines each. The poet shows the difference in the life of the rich and the poor. He also presented the reality of his friends. 


The theme of the poem is that Money can’t give you at all happiness. When the poet was rich, he had many false friends but when he becomes poor, he has fewer friends, but they all are real.


The language used in the poem is simple and easy to understand. Each stanza of the poem follows a different rhyme scheme. The poet has beautified the poem by using figures of speech such as Simile, onomatopoeia, Antithesis, Repetition and Inversion.

Special Feature-

The special feature of the poem is the use of Imagery. The imagery like ‘came knocking all day at my door’ or ‘a child that holds a trumpet’ etc. presents word picture of the events.


By this poem, the poet has given the message that wealth is not required to become happy. But happiness lies in having contentment at heart and to have genuine people in our life. Satisfaction can be achieved in the poverty too. This is shown in the behaviour of the poor women.

My Opinion about the poem-

The poem is very thought – provoking as it shows the power of money and real nature of friends. I like it very much.

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See Marathi Translation of the poem – Money

जेव्हा होते मजपाशी बहुत धन, धन, हो!
बावरे झालं होत माझे मन, मन, हो!
परि  तिळमात्रही मिळे नसें गंध, प्राप्त झाला आनंद जेव्हा पुरता झालो मी निर्धन, धन, हो!
खोटे मित्र, अतिस्वार्थ प्रियजन देत मला रोज दर्शन हो  !
मात्र आता हे सगळेंच अदर्शन हो!

आकलन माझं ‘मी बाळ तान्हे’,
करीत अनुसंधान फुंकून तुतारी असावी एखाद्या लहानग्याच्या हाती  हो !
नसते ती वाजवू ही, वस्तुतः तो मनुष्य आता मृत हो !
ह्या लबाड भूलोकि नाही केला की  अवलोकि हो!

जेव्हा केला आयुष्यावर  सोचविचार,
निष्कांचन जे लोक म्हणोनी, असती सदा ते  प्रसन्न हो!
आलोचन हे माझं करीता इथं मी  ते निष्पन्न हो !
मने ही मंडळी सालस, कधी नव्हे करीत कुणी लालस हो!
बायका ह्यांच्या करी काम, गाळीत दिनरात घाम, सौख्य  सदैव जैसे मधुर गुणगुणत असती मधमाश्या हो!
हाच आहे ह्या तमाम गोरगरिबांचा  सगुण हो!

म्हणोनी कोणी रंक जेव्हा करतो मनमुराद हास हो!
तेव्हा हे राव मात्र करी असे  त्रागा ने अधास हो !
मत हे मांडतो, गरीब न जाणं कधी एक पाऊल वर, सोडून आपलं स्तर हो!
आहे खरं तेच सांगतो, जिथं असे सदैव पैशांचा रतीब  हो!
येणे ह्यांना एक पाऊल खाली, हिचं आहे समता, बंधुता आणि न्याय मिळवण्याची तरकीब हो!

जेव्हा होते बहुत धन, धन, हो!
बावरे झालं होत माझे मन, मन, हो!
होते कधी काळी अफाट मित्र, कसोटी च्या वेळी ठरलें संपूर्ण अपात्र हो!
आता आहेत अणुमात्र , सत्यशोधक स्नेह चे हे छात्र, मैत्रीस माझ्या एकदम पात्र हो!

मुळ कविता:
मुळ कवी :
William H. Davies

अनुवाद: समीर खासनीस
श्री टी पी भाटिया महाविद्यालय,
कांदिवली पश्चिम

Activity No. 1

Q. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (10)

When I had money, money,
O! I knew no joy till I went poor;
For many a false man as a friend
Came knocking all day at my door.  

Then felt I like a child that holds
A trumpet that he must not blow
Because a man is dead;
I dared Not speak to let this false world know.  

Much have I thought of life, and seen
How poor men’s hearts are ever light;
And how their wives do hum like bees
About their work from morn till night.

Rewrite the statements and state whether they are True or False.

खालील वाक्ये पुन्हा लिहून चूक की बरोबर ते सांगा.

(a) The poet knew no joy till he was rich.

(b) The poet felt that he should talk about his poverty.

(c) When poet had money, he had many true friends.

(d) When poet became poor, he had a few real friends.

(a) The poet knew no joy till he was rich. – False 

(b) The poet felt that he should talk about his poverty. – True

(c) When poet had money, he had many true friends. – False

(d) When poet became poor, he had a few real friends. – True

Write reasons for the following statements.

खालील वाक्यांसाठी कारणे दया.

(a) Friends came knocking all day at the poet’s door.         

(b) Poor men’s wives hum like bees.

(a) Friends came knocking all day at the poet’s door because at that time the poet was rich. These friends were selfish and they wanted the benefit of his money.

(b) Poor men’s wives hum like bees because they are not satisfied with the continuous hard work of their husband.

Give your idea about the ‘Importance of money’ in 50 words.

पैशाचे महत्व’ यावर 50 शब्दात तुमची कल्पना लिहा.

Money is the medium used by people to buy required goods or services. It is used as the source to fulfill basic needs as well as source of comfort in life. Money is the most important source to live a healthy and prosperous life. Money can be utilized in reviving the economy from depression.

Complete the following table.

Sr. No.Figure of speechLine of the poemExplanation
1.Simile  ——————-     ——————–  
2.Repetition  ——————-     ——————–  
Sr. No.Figure of speechLine of the poemExplanation
1.SimileThen felt I like a child that holds A trumpet that he must not blow.The poet compares himself directly with a child.
2.RepetitionWhen I had money, money, O!The word ‘money’ is repeated

Compose four poetic lines on ‘friendship’.

 मैत्री’ या विषयावर चार ओळीची कविता लिहा.

Friendship is a priceless gift

That can’t be bought or sold,

But its value is far greater

Than a mountain made of gold

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