Summary Writing

Summary Writing- Know more about

What is a summary?  

  • Summary is a brief and concise information or content or presentation.
  • It conveys main ideas, from original written content. 
  • It is an important language skill.
  • Summary enables one to speak what is required and to write what is necessary. 
  • It is done quite precisely and coherently.
  • There should be logical link between the main ideas or points.

Purpose of Summary Writing

The purpose of summary is to give the reader a clear objective picture or main ideas of the original text.

Do this-

  1. Read and re-read the passage.
  2. Understand the content of the passage.
  3. Read the instructions.
  4. Find exactly what you need to summarise.
  5. Identify the main idea.
  6. Make short sentences on your own.
  7. Connect the sentences using linkers.
  8. Remove unnecessary words and sentences from the important sentences.
  9. Omit details, statistical information, examples.
  10. Avoid your own interpretation.

Don’t do this-

1) include extra information

2) exclude important details

3) add information

4) comment on the topic

5) give examples or statistics or dates

Steps for summary writing –

1: Read the extract twice.

2: Think about the purpose of writing.

3: Identify the main idea.

4: Write the first draft.

5: Revise your first draft and edit it.

6: Write the final draft.

Features of Good summary

  • Contains only main points of the text or lecture.
  • No examples, no details such as dates, numbers, statistics, etc.
  • No describing words, definitions, repetitions, comparisons etc. 
  • Use of content words
  • Connection of the core information with proper linking words or connectors.
  • No own opinion or interpretation of summary writer.
  • No use of quotations, anecdotes, examples etc. 

Activity No. 1

Q. Write a summary of the following passage with the help of the given points/hints. Suggest a suitable title.

Dog ——- man’s most loyal friend —– devoted to his master —– at all times —– loves and guards his master —— loyal even in death.
In this selfish world, man has one friend who is totally unselfish. That is his dog. He is never ungrateful. He never leaves his master.  
A man’s dog is loyal to him in wealth and property, in health and sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground when the winter is severe.  His only wish is to be with his master. Even when his master has no food to offer, the dog licks his hand. He guards the sleep of his master as though he were a prince.     
When all other friends desert his master, he remains. He is as steady in his love as the sun in his journey through the Heavens. Even if the master becomes friendless and homeless, the faithful dog remains true to him. He guards his master against dangers and fights against his enemies.          

Even when the master dies and his body is buried in the cold ground, the dog does not leave him. He stays by the grave side, his head between his paws and his eyes sad. But he is always alert and watchful, faithful and true even in death.


Man’s Best Friend

          The dog is an unselfish, faithful, and loving friend of man. He follows his master whether he is rich or poor, healthy or sick. A man may lose his fame, money or friends, but never his dog. Even during his worst misfortunes, the dog protects his master and fights against his enemies. When the master dies, the dog watches over his grave.


  • Reduce the length of the passage.
  • Write the summary in a single paragraph.
  • Give a title to your summary.
  • Write the summary in your own words – with the help of main points.
  • Include only the main ideas. 

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Activity No. 2

HSC Board Exam February 2023

Q. Write a summary of the following passage with the help of the given points/hints. Suggest a suitable title.

Govt. of India promoting medical tourism….. Side effects of the medical tourism – Response of the Indian population Prospects of medical tourism in India.
          The government of India is encouraging medical tourism in the country by offering tax benefits and export incentives to the participating hospitals. Medical visas are being cleared quickly without any hassles. With a view to facilitating the growth of medical tourism industry, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare along with the Ministry of Tourism has set up a task force to evaluate the opportunities in the industry. Efforts are being made to standardise procedures and to guide foreign patients to select the hospitals most suited to their needs. Meanwhile, several private hospitals are seeking to take advantage of the booming medical tourism industry and are investing hugely in acquiring equipment and skills.
However, medical tourism carries some risks that locally provided medical care does not. Some countries like India, Malaysia and Thailand have very different infectious diseases rarely found in Europe and North America. Exposure to diseases without having built-up natural immunity can be a hazard for weak individuals specially with respect to gastrointestinal diseases like Hepatitis A, amoebic dysentery etc., which could slow down the recovery process. Also, medical tourists may be at risk from mosquito-transmitted diseases, influenza and tuberculosis. The quality of post- operative care can also vary dramatically depending on the hospital and the country. Finally, after returning home, a patient has a limited contact with their surgeon. This may make it difficult to deal with any complications that may arise later, such as a delayed infection.          
The concept of medical tourism raises some important questions regarding accessibility, affordability and ethics in medical care. It is unfortunate that a large section of the Indian population has little or no access to private health care. Public health care system is inadequate and lacks proper infrastructure and facilities. One wonders if it is sensible to make provisions for medical tourism in a democratic country like India, which has failed to provide nourishment, sanitation and health care to its masses.


Medical Tourism          

The government of India offers tax benefits, export incentives and hassles free visas for encouraging medical tourism. Ministry of Health and Ministry of tourism finding the opportunities in this field. Standard procedures and guidance are given to foreign patients to select suitable hospitals. Several private hospitals investing hugely to seek advantage of this opportunity. Medical tourism can also create risks of affecting with rare infectious diseases and mosquito transmitted diseases. Limited contact with the foreign surgeons may create difficulties to patients. Most of the Indians have unavailability of private health care. Public health care system is not proper in India. So, it is hard to say that medical tourism is sensible to India.  

Activity No. 3

Non- textual passage

Q. Write a summary of the following passage with the help of the given points/hints. Suggest a suitable title.

Concept of smart city————- functions———— involved services———— benefits to people
A smart city is a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital solutions for the benefit of its inhabitants and business.
A smart city goes beyond the use of digital technologies for better resource use and less emissions. It means smarter urban transport networks, upgraded water supply and waste disposal facilities and more efficient ways to light and heat buildings. It also means a more interactive and responsive city administration, safer public spaces and meeting the needs of an ageing population.
The smart city concept integrates information and communication technology, and various physical devices connected to the Internet of things network to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens. Smart city technology allows city officials to interact directly with both community and city infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the city and how the city is evolving.
ICT is used to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to increase contact between citizens and government. Smart city applications are developed to manage urban flows and allow for real-time responses. A smart city may therefore be more prepared to respond to challenges than one with a conventional “transactional” relationship with its citizens. Many cities have already adopted some sort of smart city technology.

Smart city

A smart city employs digital solutions to enhance traditional networks and services, benefiting residents and businesses. Beyond optimizing resource use and reducing emissions, a smart city involves improvements in urban transport, water supply, waste disposal, lighting, heating, and city administration. It integrates information and communication technology to optimize city operations, enhance services, and engage with citizens. Smart city technology facilitates direct interaction between officials, the community, and city infrastructure, enabling real-time monitoring and responsiveness. The use of ICT aims to improve urban service quality, performance, and interactivity while reducing costs and increasing citizen-government contact. Many cities have already embraced various smart city technologies.

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How to prepare for the HSC Board Exam

HSC Board July / September Exam

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Activity No. 4

Non- textual passage

Q. Write a summary of the following passage with the help of the given points/hints. Suggest a suitable title.

Earlier shoes, need of high heels, drawbacks of wearing high heels regularly, suggestions about wearing shoes etc.
When shoes were first made, they were made flat without a heel. Since normal walking requires that the heel of the foot should strike the ground before the toes, these early shoes used to wear out quickly at the heel, prompting shoemakers to reinforce the heel, and so creating heeled shoes.

Women have been wearing high- heeled shoes for centuries in the pursuit of fashion. However, regularly wearing shoes with high heels can be hazardous. The biggest risk, perhaps, is losing your balance and breaking an ankle.

Wearing high heels interferes with your normal gait. They throw your weight forward, making it difficult to sustain upright balance. They force you to use a lot of extra muscular effort to keep from falling forward.  Much of this extra effort is concentrated in the lower back arch, which can lead to back pain.

Experts warn that high heels can also result in a variety of foot problems, including metatarsalgia, which is pain in the ball of the foot. Another condition called Morton’s neuroma, which is 10 times more common in women than men, is caused by the thickening of tissue around a nerve between the third and fourth toes. It usually envelops in response to imitation and excessive pressure, such as the burden of weight high heels place on the ball of the foot.

However, if one cannot resist wearing ‘heels, the following tips can help to   keep your feet healthy.

Always wear the correct fit. Have both feet measured the next time you buy shoes. You will probably find that one foot is larger than the other – always buy shoes to fit the larger foot, never buy shoes that are too tight. Buy shoes later in the day when your feet are a bit swollen. Never wear a heel higher than 6.5 cm. Only buy heels that you are comfortable in.


Originally, shoes were made flat, which led to quick wear on the heel from natural walking. Shoemakers began strengthening the heel, creating heeled shoes. Women have worn high heels for fashion over centuries, but these can pose health risks. High heels change natural walking patterns. They throw weight forward and require extra muscle effort, especially in the lower back, which can lead to pain. They may cause foot diseases due to pressure on the foot’s ball. To minimize harm, experts suggest choosing the correct shoe size, avoiding tight fits, shopping for shoes later in the day, limiting heel height to 6.5 cm, and prioritizing comfort.

Activity No. 5

Non- textual passage

Q. Write a summary of the following passage with the help of the given points/hints. Suggest a suitable title.

Poor boy selling newspapers, needed refreshment, got milk, repaid later
           Once there was a poor boy. He spent his days going door to door selling newspapers to pay for school. One day, as he walked his route, he started feeling low and weak. The poor boy was starving, so he began to ask for nourishment at each home he stopped at.             

The poor boy was denied every time until he reached the door of a young girl. He asked for a glass of water, but seeing his poor state, the girl returned with a glass of milk. The boy asked how much he owed her for the milk, but she refused payment.     
Years later, the girl, who was now a grown woman, fell sick. She went from doctor to doctor, but no one could cure her. Finally, she went to the best doctor in town.    
The doctor spent months treating her until she was finally cured. Despite her happiness, she was afraid she couldn’t afford to pay the bill. But, when the hospital handed her the bill, it read, “Paid in full, with a glass of milk.”

No good deed goes unrewarded.

A poor boy sold newspapers to fund his education. One day, feeling weak from hunger, he asked for food while on his route. After many refusals, a young girl offered him a glass of milk free of charge. Years later, the girl, now a woman, fell gravely ill. She got help from the best doctor, who treated her for months. She was cured but she worried about paying the hospital bill. She was relieved to know that the bill was paid in full, with a glass of milk.




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