Speech Writing

Speech Writing– Learn more about it.

Activity Sheet No. 1

Q. Write a speech on Teacher’s Day.

Speech on Teacher’s Day,

5th September.

  Good morning to one and all and my greetings to all my respected teachers. Honourable chairperson, the Principal of our college, Mr./Mrs ……….., respected teachers and my dear friends. Today is an auspicious occasion to honour and acknowledge the contributions and hard work of teachers who mould the students into the future citizens. Guru Pournima is also celebrated to express our gratitude towards our Gurus.

     Friends! Can you tell why 5th September is celebrated as Teacher’s Day? Yes, it is celebrated throughout the country since the year 1962 on the birth anniversary of Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of free India. He was born on 5th September 1888 at Tiruttani, in Tamil Nadu State. He was a great philosopher, educationist and a teacher by profession. When he became the second President of India, few of his students requested him to let them to celebrate his birthday on 5th September. On this request, he asked them to celebrate his birthday as Teacher’s Day and not just as birthday. Ever since this day is celebrated as Teacher’s Day every year.

      Our education begins at home. Mother is our prime teacher. As we grow and meet different people, we learn many things from them. Everyone around us teaches us something. Experiences and mistakes are also our great teachers.

     In olden times, there was Gurukul System of teaching where the students left their homes to stay with the sages in the forest for years. It was called Bramhacharyashram(one of the four ashrams ) After completing the training, the students returned homes. Those sages were worshipped and honoured by the students and their parents like God. Since then a teacher is placed next to God. That’s why it is said,

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu,

Gurur Dev, Maheshwara.

Gurur Sakshat, Parbramha.

Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha.

      It means Guru is the Lord himself.Gurus/ teachers are next to God.So,Gurus are worshipped on Guru Pournima.

    Teachers are our second parents because they take care of us as parents. They show us right path as the beacon light. They are like candles who spend their whole life in giving light to the students. They are always with us whenever we are in trouble whether it is academic or personal. They are the nation builders. They guide and shape the destiny of students. Teachers teach us to become better human beings. Sometimes, teachers scold us but there is their love and affection towards us behind their scolding. They scold us for our betterment. Teacher is the profession that creates all the professions like doctor, engineer, advocate, Chartered accountant and so on.

     Teachers like Dr. Radhakrishnan, Sane Guruji and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam are some of the renowned names that have given meaning to the world of teachers. In mythology we find many examples of Gurus and disciples such as Dronacharya and Eklavya, Sandipani and Shrikrishna etc. Eklavya is known as an ideal student.When Guru Dronacharya refused to teach archery to Eklavya because he was Shudra,(because Shudra was considered as the lowest category in the society at that time.) Eklavya built the mud idol /statue of Dronacharya and practised archery before it and became the skilled archer equalled to Arjun.

On seeing the skill of Eklavya in archery, Guru Dronacharya was astonished. He asked for Eklavya’s right thumb as Guru Dakshina because he didn’t want Eklavya to excel/exceed/surpass Arjun. And without thinking so much, Eklavya cut off his right thumb and put it at the feet of his Guru. It shows his reverence/honour/respect towards his Guru. Eklavya still continued to practise archery with the forefingers and middle fingers and remains as an example of an ideal student till today. We should also keep Eklavya as a role model before us and gain the knowledge. We should concentrate on our target like Eklavya.

   Today, we are living in the age of science and technology. We learn many things through various apps. We get vast knowledge through internet but as per my opinion, no one can replace the teachers because teachers not only give us knowledge but also shape our personality by teaching many moral lessons. Apart from academic, they stand by us at every step to guide, motivate and inspire us to become good citizens.

   We are proud to say that we are being cultivated by the finest gardeners. We pray for their well beings and good health. I would like to express my gratitude towards all teachers for their selfless and dynamic support. We are always grateful to you. I conclude my speech by wishing you.

 Happy Teacher’s Day.

Thank you.

Speech written –


Prof. Vaishali Jane.

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Activity Sheet No. 2

Q. Write a speech on the topic ‘My Hobby’.

Use the following points:-

a) Begin with proper format 
b) Explain the term – hobby 
c) Give information of your hobby

Speech – My hobby

             Honourable chief guest, respected teachers and my dear friends! Today I am going to deliver a speech on the topic ‘my hobby’.

                  Some things we do because we have to, and we do something because we like to do. Things that attract and sustain our attention spontaneously are our interests. What we do in our free time reveals our interests. They are also called our hobbies. Many people have different hobbies. They develop their hobbies in a specific way. I also have a special hobby. My hobby is reading various books. I like to read novels short stories and dramas. These books give me joy, entertainment as well as knowledge of human relationship. It is true for me that books are very good friends of man. My books are not only my good friends but true guide also.

                 Friends! Hobbies make man happy. They also remove the tensions and troubles of our life. Hobbies also give us good and healthy entertainment. My hobby of reading helps me to discover the new human values and way of living in a true sense. 

               So, Friends! Please develop any hobby and enjoy your life happily. With these words I would like to conclude my speech.       

Thank you.

Activity Sheet No.3

Your college has observed Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s birthday (15 October) as the ‘World Students’ Day’. Prepare a speech in about 100 words with the help of the following points.
1) Importance of the Day
2) Overcoming the challenges in your learning
3) Dr. Kalam’s inspiration to students
4) Your idea of serving India in various capacities.

Honorable president, respected teachers and all my dear friends! I am going to deliver a speech on ‘World Students Day’. Today is the birthday of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s. Friends! Remember this great soul. He is the symbol of great person.

Friends! United Nations Organization recently declared the birth date of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s, 15th October as “World Student Day” as a mark of honour.

Dr. Kalam always encouraged students to do better in life through his writings and speeches. He always believed that educated youth are the pillars of our nation. He said that students are like clay; they can be modified in a way that will make their future bright and meaningful.

Friends! He always said, “If you want to shine like a sun. First burn like a sun.’ My idea of serving India is showing progress in technology, industry, commerce, trade and economics.

With these words, I would like to conclude my speech.

Thank you very much.

Activity No. 4

Q. Write a speech on the occasion of Republic Day.


A very good morning and happy Republic Day to everyone. Honourable President, respected guests, respected teachers and my dear friends, today is an auspicious day as we are celebrating 74th Republic Day. Every year we celebrate this day with great zeal and enthusiasm. This is an important national festival.

Friends, Can you tell what is Republic ? Yes,Republic is a kingless form of government that has no monarchy and no hereditary aristocracy. It means the Supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives.
Well, can you tell why it is celebrated on 26th of January? Yes, because our constitution came into force on 26th January 1950. Since then we celebrate this day as the Republic day.

Jahan dal dal par sone ki,chidiya karati hai basera ,Wah Bharat desh hai Mera, wah Bharat desh hai Mera……

Friends ,once our country was described as Golden sparrow because it was very prosperous which was ruled by the British. They looted us and treated us brutally.We, Indians tolerated all injustice for hundred years i.e from 1757 (Battle of Plasey) to 1857(Revolt of 1857) but later on we (Indians)had lost our patience and started agitation against the British in 1857. In the revolt of 1857, the queen of Zanshi i Laxmibai, Tatya Tope, Nanasaheb Peshwa fought with the British. Mangal Pandey became the first Martyr of Indian freedom struggle. Apart from these, many Indian leaders such as Lokmanya Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Pt.Nehru fought against the British to break the shackles of slavery.

Many revolutionarists such as Swatantryaveer Sawarkar, Netaji Shubhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Batukeshwar Datta and so on were imprisoned and hanged to death . Many movements such as Non-cooperation movement (1920),Civil disobedience movement (1930),Quit India movement (1942) were started under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi ,the father of the nation.

Friends, my purpose behind giving these examples is that we got independence with great efforts and sacrifice of the many known and unknown Indians.

Well, though we got independence on 15th August 1947, we didn’t have our own constitution.
What is constitution?Yes,constitution means a set of rules and regulations which is essential for disciplinary adminstration of the government.

Before giving us independence, the cabinet mission was sent in India in 1946.The British challenged us to form/ prepare our own constitution.We accepted their challenge and the work of constitution was begun on 9th December 1946. Dr.Rajendra Prasad was the president of Constitution Committee and Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar was the president of Drafting Committee. He took a lot of efforts for preparing our constitution. That’s why he is called an architect of Indian Constitution. At last our constitution was ready after spending a long period i.e 2 years, 11 months and 18 days. It was approved on 26 th November 1949 and implemented from 26th January 1950.Since then we celebrate 26th January as the Republic day every year.

Well, friends, now we are living in free India, democratic India.Our constitution has given us Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Justice as well as many fundamental rights. But it has also given us some duties and responsibilities. So,while living in this Republic country ,we should not forget the devotion of freedom fighters. As the responsible citizens, we should protect our nation from all the evils and do something great for the betterment of our nation.

Friends, remember , Right and Duty are two sides of the same coin. While fighting for our rights, we should be aware of our own duties too.Whatever work (duty) we have to do, do it honestly, sincerely because Honesty is the best policy. We should do our duties honestly so that our nation will prosper and the sacrifice of the freedom fighters will not go in vain.I conclude my speech by paying my humble tribute to all the known and unknown freedom fighters.

Thank you.

Prof. Vaishali Jane.

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See more speeches in the following book too-

Activity No. 5

All over the world there is a growing awareness about the problems of climate change. Your college is observing ‘Earth Day’ on April 22. Draft a speech in about 120 words to be delivered before your college students on the need to support the cause.

Honourable Principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends!

I stand before you today with a sense of urgency and purpose as we come together to observe Earth Day on April 22. Across the globe, a collective awareness is growing regarding the critical challenges created by climate change.

Earth Day is not merely a date on the calendar; it is a reminder of our responsibility to safeguard the environment. Climate change affects us all. It impacts the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the future we imagine. It is a call to unite in our efforts to address and decrease the consequences of a changing climate.

Each one of us, as students and future leaders, holds the power to make a difference. We can support sustainable practices, embrace eco-friendly lifestyles, and advocate for policies that build the health of our planet. Our actions, both big and small, contribute to the collective impact needed to combat climate change.

Supporting the cause of Earth Day goes beyond symbolic gestures. It requires a commitment to sustainable living, environmental education, and the promotion of renewable resources. Let us use this day as a catalyst for change, inspiring not only ourselves but those around us to be conscious stewards of our Earth.

With these words, I would like to conclude my speech.

Thank you.

Activity No. 6

The supervisor of your class is going to retire after 28 years of service in your college. You have been selected to deliver a speech at the farewell function arranged by the college staff and the students. Prepare a speech to be delivered at this occasion in about 120 words.

Honourable Principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends!

It is both an honor and a bittersweet privilege to stand before you today to bid farewell to my guru and our esteemed supervisor Mr. Manoj Deshmukh Sir. He has been the heart and soul of our college for the past 28 years.

As I look back on these two years, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the impact Mr. Manoj Deshmukh Sir has had on our college. I also remember his countless dedication to education. For nearly three decades, Mr. Manoj Deshmukh Sir has been a beacon of wisdom, guidance, and unwavering support to many students.

In the classroom, Mr. Manoj Deshmukh Sir was more than just an instructor. He was a mentor who inspires us to pursue our dreams. His passion for teaching textbooks in an innovative way was remarkable.

Mr. Manoj Deshmukh Sir played an important role in developing a sense of community within our college. Whether it was organizing events, counseling students, or simply lending the event, he becomes an example of the true spirit of mentorship.

Mr. Manoj Deshmukh Sir, your legacy extends far beyond the walls of this institution. You have not only given knowledge but developed in us a love for learning, a commitment to excellence, and a belief in our own potential.

On this day I want to say that your presence will be deeply missed.

May your days in retirement be filled with the same joy, fulfillment, and inspiration that you have brought to all of us. On behalf of the staff and students, I extend our heartfelt thanks for 28 years of selfless service and wish you a happy retirement life. Thank you.

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Activity No. 7

Write a speech to be delivered on the occasion of ‘National Science Day.’ (28 February)

Honourable chairperson, the principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends! Today, we are celebrating ‘National Science Day’ as we celebrate other days.

Friends , can you tell why it is celebrated on 28th February. Yes, this day is celebrated to mark the  discovery of the Raman Effect by a great Indian physicist ,C.V. Raman on 28th February 1928.For that  he won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1930.

Well, there are certain objectives behind the celebration of this day  i.e to spread the message of the importance of science in day to day life, to display all the efforts, activities and the achievements in the field of science for human welfare, to discuss all the issues and implement new technology in the future and to give an opportunity to the scientific minded people etc.

By keeping these objectives before our eyes, schools and colleges celebrate this day with great zeal and enthusiasm. Schools and colleges organize science exhibition, quizzes, projects, poster making competition etc. for making the students aware of its importance.

Friends, we are living in the world of science and technology. Science has made wonderful progress in our life. Our day begins with science and ends with science, it means we use many things from morn to night that are produced by science. But remember, science is a boon as well as a curse for us. It is in our hand how to use it. The nearest example is of Mobile . It was boon during  the pandemic of Covid 19, but now it has become the curse for us.We spend our precious time on it. Remember, ‘अती तिथे माती.’ If we use it for a long time, it will affect our eyesight, brain and eventually our whole body. We will become passive.

So, friends, on this occasion I would like to say, ‘science is for us ,we are not for science’. Develop scientific views and remove the superstitions on the name of spirituality. Science and spirituality go hand in hand. Rastrasant Tukodoji Maharaj also says, “विज्ञान और अध्यात्म के सहयोग से हो सब सुखी.”

It means science and spirituality are the two wheels of development. Science shows us the path of progress and spirituality gives us energy to walk on this path of development.

Well, So, use it for the good cause and not for bad, means not for the destruction. We have recently landed the Chandrayan -3 successfully. It happened due to science.  Making Atom bombs and manufacturing the various weapons are the creation of science and it causes destruction during the war. So, science should be used for good cause and not for destruction.

Friends, I hope you understand the importance of science in our life.

Wishing you happy science day.

Thank you.🙏🙏

Written by-

Prof. Vaishali Jane

Activity No. 8

Write a speech to be delivered on Yoga Day.


A Very good morning to everyone and happy yoga day. Honourable President, respected Principal, respected teachers and all my dear friends, today we have gathered here to celebrate the 10th International Yoga Day. This day is celebrated annually on the 21st June since 2015. Our honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi proposed it during the speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.And from the next year means in 2015 United Nations declared 21st June as the International Yoga Day.

Friends, Can you tell why is the date 21st June chosen?
Yes,it is because 21st June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere.So the United Nations declared 21st June as the International Yoga Day in order to spread awareness among the people regarding yoga.
What is yoga?
Well,yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual discipline.It originated in India more than 500 years ago.The word yoga came from Sanskrit word yuj that means to yoke , to unite or to join. Though no one knows the inventor of yoga, still it is generally believed that Sage Patanjali who is the pioneer of yoga wrote Yog Sutras . Beneficial exercise (Asanas),proper breathing (Pranayama), complete relaxation (Savasana),balanced diet and nutrition, positive thinking and meditation are the principles of yoga that are still being followed today. In an ancient age ,Rishis ,Munis,sages and Saints practised yoga and meditation regularly. Swami Vivekananda,Swami Ramkrishna Paramhans , Swami Dayanand Saraswati who practised meditation regularly and reached at the culmination point of spirituality. We can not forget the name of Ramdev Baba who is the present yoga trainer.As we listen or read the word yoga ,the figure of Ramdev Baba comes before our eyes.
Yoga uses asanas(postures) and Pranayam(breathing techniques) to integrate the body with mind and mind with soul .
We all know the proverb health is wealth. And yoga is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind is in a healthy body (sound mind is in sound body).Yoga is beneficial to us in many ways.It helps to manage stress and anxiety and keeps us relaxing. In today’s fast life, no one is free from stress and anxiety. So yoga , pranayam and meditation are very essential things to keep us healthy and tension free.It improves respiration, blood circulation, energy and vitality. Regular practice of yoga can help to lose weight, release stress , improve immunity, improve concentration and so on.On seeing the benefits of yoga,we should practise it every day without fail.
Our honourable prime minister started the celebration of this day because he wants healthy and self-reliant ( आत्मनिर्भर भारत )India. If we are healthy, our country will prosper because only healthy people can work efficiently for the growth of Indian Economy.
Therefore, we should practise yoga and meditation regularly so that we will be healthy and fit.
Wishing you Happy Yoga Day once again.

Thank you.🙏🙏
Vaishali Jane.

Activity No. 9

Write a speech to be delivered on Independence Day.


Honourable Chief Guest, respected teachers and my dear friends!

Today, we gather to celebrate the 78th anniversary of our nation’s independence. On August 15, 1947, our country broke free from the shackles of colonial rule and became the sovereign nation we know and love today.

We remember the visionaries who led our freedom struggle, from Mahatma Gandhi to Jawaharlal Nehru, and countless others who fought for our rights and dignity. Their sacrifice and perseverance paved the way for our progress and prosperity.

As we celebrate our independence, let us also acknowledge the diversity that makes our nation strong. Let us honor the vibrant cultures, languages, and traditions that unite us.

We have come a long way since 1947, but our journey is far from over. Let us recommit ourselves to the principles of justice, equality, and fraternity enshrined in our Constitution.

May our tricolor flag forever fly high, symbolizing our unity, strength, and the unwavering spirit of India.

Jai Hind! Happy Independence Day!”




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