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How to get good marks in English Subject

How to get good marks in English Subject

Suggestions for scoring maximum marks in English Subject in the coming HSC Board Exam

11 फेब्रुवारी रोजी होणाऱ्या इंग्रजी विषयाच्या पेपर मध्ये विद्यार्थ्यांना चांगले गुण मिळावेत या साठी सूचना.

Important Tips-

English Exam Preparation Guidelines for HSC Students

1. Understand the Syllabus:

Start by thoroughly understanding the syllabus. Focus on prose, poetry, drama, grammar, and writing sections. Pay attention to the weightage of each section.

अभ्यासक्रम नीट समजून घेऊन सुरुवात करा. गद्य, कविता, नाटक, व्याकरण आणि लेखन विभागांवर लक्ष केंद्रित करा. प्रत्येक विभागाच्या गुणांकडे लक्ष द्या.

2. Practice Reading Comprehension:

Regularly practice reading comprehension passages. Focus on understanding the main idea, tone, and specific details. This will help improve your reading speed and accuracy.

नियमितपणे परिच्छेद वाचण्याचा व आकलन चा सराव करा. मुख्य कल्पना, शैली आणि विशिष्ट तपशील समजून घेण्यावर लक्ष केंद्रित करा. यातून तुमची वाचन गती आणि अचूकता सुधारेल.

3. Master Writing Skills:

Work on e -mail writing, drafting a virtual message, interview writing, review writing, compering, appeal, blog and report writing. Ensure your answers are well-structured with clear introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions. Practice different formats and styles.

ई-मेल लेखन, आभासी संदेशाचा मसुदा तयार करणे, मुलाखत लेखन, समीक्षा लेखन, सूत्रसंचालन, अपील, ब्लॉग आणि अहवाल लेखन यावर काम करा. तुमची उत्तरे स्पष्ट असावीत. ती प्रस्तावना, मुख्य परिच्छेद आणि निष्कर्षांसह सुव्यवस्थित असल्याची खात्री करा. विविध प्रश्न प्रकार आणि टेन्प्लेट चा सराव करा.

4. Revise Grammar:

Review grammar rules, including tenses, sentence structure, and parts of speech, prepositions, reported speech, practice exercises on correction of sentences, transformation of sentences, etc.

व्याकरणाच्या नियमांचे पुनरावलोकन करा, ज्यात काल, वाक्य रचना, वाक्ये सुधारण्यासाठी सराव, वाक्यांचे परिवर्तन इ. वर लक्ष द्या.

5. Focus on Literature/Poetry Section, Novel section:

Read all prescribed texts thoroughly. Understand the themes, characters, and literary devices used. Practice answering questions in a clear and concise manner.

सर्व टेक्स्ट बुक नीट वाचा. विविध प्रकरणातील थीम, पात्र आणि भाषालंकार समजून घ्या. स्पष्ट आणि अचूक पद्धतीने प्रश्नांची उत्तरे देण्याचा सराव करा.

6. Improve Vocabulary:

Enhance your vocabulary by learning new words daily. Practice using them in sentences. This will help in writing and speaking sections. Do solve different vocabulary activities.

दररोज नवीन शब्द शिकून तुमचा शब्दसंग्रह वाढवा. ते वाक्यात वापरण्याचा सराव करा. यामुळे तुमचे लेखन आणि संभाषण सुधारेल. विविध शब्दसंग्रह कृती सोडवा.

7. Time Management:

Practice previous years’ question papers within the given time. This will help you manage time effectively during the actual exam.

दिलेल्या वेळेत मागील वर्षांच्या प्रश्नपत्रिकांचा सोडवण्याचा सराव करा. हे तुम्हाला प्रत्यक्ष परीक्षेदरम्यान वेळेचे व्यवस्थापन करण्यात मदत करेल.

8. Seek Feedback:

Get your writings and answers reviewed by teachers or peers. Constructive feedback will help you improve.

शिक्षक किंवा समवयस्कांकडून तुमचे लेखन आणि उत्तरांचे पुनरावलोकन करा. रचनात्मक अभिप्राय तुम्हाला सुधारण्यात मदत करेल.

9. Stay Calm and Positive:

Maintain a positive mindset. Regularly revise but also take breaks to relax. Ensure you get enough sleep before the exam day. Hear music and spend time in creative activities.

सकारात्मक मानसिकता ठेवा. नियमितपणे उजळणी करा परंतु आराम करण्यासाठी ब्रेक देखील घ्या. परीक्षेच्या दिवसापूर्वी तुम्हाला पुरेशी झोप मिळेल याची खात्री करा. संगीत ऐका आणि सर्जनशील क्रियाकलापांमध्ये वेळ घालवा.

10. Exam Strategy:

Read the question paper thoroughly before starting. Plan your answers and allocate time for each section. Begin with the sections you are most confident about.

सुरुवात करण्यापूर्वी प्रश्नपत्रिका नीट वाचा. तुमच्या उत्तरांचे नियोजन करा आणि प्रत्येक विभागासाठी वेळ द्या. तुम्हाला सर्वात सोप्या वाटत असलेल्या विभागांपासून सुरुवात करा.

By following these tips, you can approach your English board exam with confidence and achieve success.

-Prof. Shweta Patil

Government Higher secondary Ashram school Kalam Devi, Dahanu Dist. Palghar

Special Tips- How to get good marks in English Subject

1) Study English for one hour daily.

दररोज एक तास इंग्रजीचा अभ्यास करा.

2) Read Prose topics and remember/ write the story/ content of the topic.

गद्य विषय वाचा आणि त्या विषयाची कथा/ सामग्री लक्षात ठेवा/ लिहा.

3) Read poems and remember name of the poem and poet, central Idea, poetic device, content of the poem, special features of the poem.

कविता वाचा आणि कविता आणि कवीचे नाव, मध्यवर्ती कल्पना, काव्यात्मक रसग्रहण, व कवितेची वैशिष्ट्ये लक्षात ठेवा.

4) Remember the format of the English activity sheet(Question paper).

इंग्रजी कृती पत्रिकेचा आराखडा लक्षात ठेवा.

5) Read summary of the novel extract and answers of the question based on each novel topic.

प्रत्येक कादंबरीचा सारांश आणि प्रश्नाची उत्तरे वाचा.

6) Make a list of major characters of each novel extract and remember their specialties / qualities.

प्रत्येक कादंबरीच्या प्रमुख पात्रांची यादी तयार करा आणि त्यांची वैशिष्ट्ये/गुण लक्षात ठेवा.

7) Remember the story of each novel.

प्रत्येक कादंबरीची कथा लक्षात ठेवा.

8) Out of 12 writing skill topics, become master in four.

बारा लेखन कौशल्य विषयांपैकी चार विषयांमध्ये मास्टर व्हा.

My suggestions-

a) Drafting a virtual message

b) Framing interview questions

c) Expansion of idea

d) Film review/ appeal

9) Solve Grammar sentences daily.

व्याकरणाची वाक्ये रोज सोडवा.

Prof. Tushar Chavan

Rashtriya Junior College,

Chalisgaon Dist. Jalgaon

Other Useful Tips- How to get good marks in English Subject

Useful and practical suggestions to score maximum marks in English in the short period. These tips are given by different teachers from all over Maharashtra.

कमी कालावधीत उत्तम गुण मिळावेत या साठी उपाय

1) Students should know central idea of novels.

2) Students should memorize and draw proper format of email, blog, Appeal, virtual message etc.

e.g. Blog

Header 1 mark

Footer 1

Content 2

Easy to draw and write

Basic knowledge is expected.

3) Students must refer to the board’s previous activity sheets.

4) Read the novel section keeping in mind the elements of the novel. The plot (story) and characters are the key. They must remember the theme and personalities/sketches of the important characters. Must logically deal with the novel section especially Q.5 B,C and D.

5) Time management is essential for our language paper because writing skill and novel section questions are vast.

6) If you solve prose section thoroughly you will get maximum marks.

7) In writing skill question, like summary writing or mind mapping you will get good marks definitely.

8) Read the summary of each novel so that you can write easily .

9) Practice previous year question paper. Solve at least five question papers.

10) Students must attempt every question given in the activity sheet (seen, unseen, poetry).

11) Students should focus on grammar part.

12) Summary writing activity questions should be written properly. While writing the summary don’t forget to give the title (though mark is not allotted to it. Write the summary of the given passage in the sequence of answers written to the questions asked on the passage including sentences of your own, grammatically correct with proper vocabulary.

13) Prepare mind mapping activity properly. It is easy topic.

14) Prepare all the poems well for dealing with activities and appreciation.

15) Write the appreciation of the poem using points as headings.

16) Prepare thoroughly reading 4.1 History of English Novel.

17) Understood the central idea and theme of all the novels with major characters and character traits.

18) For writing skills attempt Expansion of ideas, Film review, interview questions and drafting a virtual message.

19) English is the most important scoring subject as compared to others. So, remove fear of English subject.

-If someone wants to score good marks, he/she must follow the guidelines.

– Be confident.

-Understand the Syllabus

-Analyze the syllabus.

-Go through the textbook and note down important information from prose, poetry and novel section.

-Enjoy literature and Prose

-Read and summarize each prose topic and poem.

-Understand themes, characters and main ideas.

-Solve Question Bank

-Solve previous year Board’s question papers.

-Practice Writing Skill topics and Grammar

-Focus on spent time per section during solving the question papers.

20) Solve at least five English question papers and check it from your English teacher.

Know Std. XII Poems-

Song of the Open Road

Indian Weavers

The Inchcape Rock

Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

Father Returning Home


She Walks in Beauty

Small Towns and Rivers

Special Article-

बारावी बोर्ड परीक्षेच्या दृष्टीने इंगजी विषयाची कशी तयारी करावी हे वाचा-


How to Prepare English for Board Exam

Writing answers in the exam-

बारावी बोर्ड परीक्षेत इंग्रजी विषयाची उत्तरे कशी लिहावीत ते जाणून घ्या.


How to write answers in the exam

Use following Activity Work Book for getting maximum marks in Std. XII English-

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Courier Rs. 50

Total Rs. 450

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9850737199 (Prof. Tushar Chavan)



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