Oral Exam

Oral Exam

Oral ExamStd. XI and Std. XII

Oral Exam Preparation Tips

Oral Exam demonstrates candidate’s knowledge and mastery of a subject matter. It shows the presentation, speaking and interpersonal communication skills of the candidate.

Remember the following tips-

1) Make good preparation of your subject.

2) Be punctual

3) Show confidence

4) Give a good first impression

5) Listen carefully

6) Do much practice

7) Control your body movements

8) Speak with good pronunciation

9) Concentrate on the topic

10) Be positive

Oral Exam Test Paper – Std. XI and Std. XII

Evaluation Criteria

1) Listening skill test     10 Marks

Out of three activities the examiner will arrange two activities.

(A1 or A2 or A3)

A1- Listen and write sentence5 Marks
A2- Listen a poem and write answers based on the questions on the poem.5 Marks
A3- Listen a story and write answers based on the questions on the story5 Marks
A1 किंवा A2 किंवा A3 तिघांपैकी कोणत्याही दोन activity घ्याव्यात.
Scheme of Marking:-

Listening Skill Test:-

A1. Dictation of sentences:-

1) Ability to focus on the word.    1 Mark
2) Listening for details /Retention.   2 Marks
3) Accuracy of writing words.   2 Marks


A2. Listen a poem and write answers:-

1)  Gist 2 Marks                                            
2)  Rhyming words2 Marks                                
3)  Figures of speech 1 Marks                                


A2:- Listen the story and write:-                                

1) Theme  2 Marks                                               
2) Moral Value 2 Marks                                        
3) Your opinion about the story  1 Marks
2) Speaking Skill Test     10 Marks
Activities for students- to give a speech or to tell a story or to describe something or to recite a poem or to discuss any topic, narrate any incident etc.Any one activity for 10 Marks

Scheme of Marking:-

Speaking Skill:-

1) Comprehension
understanding of the topic  
2) Preparation
3) Body language
4) Content
novelty of ideas
5) Communication

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Batch strength- 24 to 30

HSC Board gives a mark list of 24 students so it would be better if the oral batch contains 24 students.

Time limit for one batch is two hours.

If two teachers are conduction their respective oral tests on the same time, they can use same oral test paper.

See Practice Oral Tests

Test No. 1
Listening Skill Test- 10 Marks

A1:- Listen and write the sentences.   (5)

1) I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

2) I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

3) She sells seashells by the seashore.

4) Four fine fresh fish for you.

5) If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. 

A2:- Listen the poem carefully to write:-  (5)

1) Gist (2)  

2) Rhyming words (2)

3) Figures of speech (1)

Onward march, onward march, onward march,
Everything is in a flutter today on our earth.
Music flourishes up in the sky And the trumpet rings, mighty and high.
Youth of the new Dawn,
March on, on, on.

Expected Answers: Listening Skill

A1) Poem

1) Gist:

It is the suggestion of the poet to youths to do the activities like soldiers and try to bring new happy time in the form of morning.

2) Rhyming words:

sky – high

dawn – on

3) Figures of speech:


Speaking Skill Test- 10 Marks

A1. Teacher asks the students to give a speech on the following extempore topics:-

(Few examples are given)

(Any One topic for one student- Marks 10)  

i) Global Warming

ii) My junior college

iii) Save environment      

iv) My favourite teacher

v) Mobile phone         

vi) Social media etc.


A2. Teacher asks the student –

(Any one activity for one student for ten marks)                                                      

i) to tell a story

ii) to recite a poem or

iii) to narrate any incident

iv) to describe Junior college, Class teacher, Vice- Principal  etc.

v) to report the celebration of republic day or teachers’ day or blood donation camp, cleanliness drive, picnic, gathering etc.

vi) to play a role of ST inquiry person and passenger or doctor – patient etc.

vii) to discuss any topic (Two or three students)

viii) to explain the terms:- plot, theme, character, language used in the drama etc.

Test No. 2
Listening skill test-10 Marks

A1- Listen and write the sentences. (5)

1) He felt shame when he did the same mistake again.

2) Tell me whether the weather was fine that day.

3) The employer has sufficient number of efficient employees.

4) I hope this meeting isn’t too long.

5) If you drop your phone, you might break it.

A2- Listen the story and write:-  (5)

1) Theme (2)

2) Moral Value (2)

3) Your opinion about the story (1)

A fox, who was feeling hungry, saw a bunch of grapes on a vine. He tried to get the grapes. He jumped and jumped but could not reach the bunch. So, he went on saying, “The grapes are sour!”

Expected Answers: Listening Skill

A2) Story

1) Theme:

It shows one aspect of nature of animals (also human beings). If anyone doesn’t get any thing, he or she declares the thing as bad.

2) Moral value:

If we don’t get anything, leave it to become happy.

3) Opinion about the story:

It is funny and interesting story. I like it very much.

Speaking Skill Test-10 Marks

(Any one activity for ten marks)  

Teacher will conduct any one activity to test speaking skill.

1) Picture talk –construct the dialogue.

Activity: See the picture and discuss about it. (Two or four students)

2) A dialogue/conversation between two students.

Activity: Discuss about your preparation for the board exam. (Two or four students)

3) Prepare students to speak by giving topic.

Activity: Give notice loudly to all the students about the college picnic.

4) Give information.

Activity: Tell the precautions for avoiding Corona threat.

5) Narrating an incident/reporting.

Activity: Give a report of the Independence Day celebration.

See more examples of the oral exam paper in the following book

Activity Workbook for Std. XII English

Test No. 3
Listening skill test-10 Marks

A1- Listen the poem carefully to write:- (5)

1) Gist (2)   

2) Rhyming words (2)

3) Figures of speech (1)  

Weavers, weaving at break of day,
Why do you weave a garment so gay?
Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild,
We weave the robes of a new-born child.

A2- Listen the story and write:- (5)

1) Theme (2)

2) Moral Value (2)

3) Your opinion about the story (1)

A bee was very thirsty. It went to a tank to drink water. While it was drinking, it fell into the water and almost drowned. A dove happened to reach there. She saw the life of the bee in danger. She took pity on it. She at once flew to a tree and plucked a large leaf and dropped it into the water. The bee climbed on the leaf and saved herself. She thanked the dove.

Speaking Skill Test-10 Marks

(Any one activity for ten marks)  

Activity: Give a speech on the topic:

i) My ambition

ii) Importance of Blood Donation

iii) Covid- 19

iv) My junior college

v) My best friend

vi) Online education

vii) My favourite national leader

viii) My favourite sport person

ix) My family

x) Self introduction

Test No. 4
Listening skill test-10 Marks

A1:- Listen the story and write. (5)

1) Theme (2)

2) Moral Value (2)

3) Your opinion about the story (1)       

There was a bridge across a stream near a village. It was so narrow that two persons could not pass it at a time. One day two goats happened to pass it. They came down from the opposite directions. They met in the middle. Each wished to pass first while neither was disposed to let the other pass. They were foolish and unwise. A fight started between them. The result was that both fell into the stream.

A2- Listen the poem carefully to write  (5)

1) Gist (2)   

2) Rhyming words (2)

3) Figures of speech (1)

Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose,

The spectacles set them unhappily wrong;

The point in dispute was, as all the world knows,

To which the said spectacles ought to belong.

2) Speaking Skill Test-10 Marks

(Any one activity for ten marks)  

Activity: Give a speech on the topic:

i) My favourite leader

ii) Importance of Eye Donation

iii) Road safety

iv) My native place

v) My best mother

vi) Importance of educational websites

vii) My favourite sports person

viii) My favourite singer actor

ix) English text book

x) My favourite Tourist place

Download the Model Oral Test Paper No.1 in PDF
Download the Model Oral Test Paper No. 2 in PDF
Download the Model Oral Test Paper No. 3 in PDF
Download the Model Oral Test Paper No. 4 in PDF

See More-

Environment and Health and Physical Education Charts (Click Here)

Online Filling of Marks on Board Website

Download the Model Oral Test Paper No. 5 in PDF

Download the Model Oral Test Paper No. 6 in PDF

Download the Model Oral Test Paper No. 7 in PDF

Download the PDF List of Writing Skill Topics.

Click on each words and see the writing skill information



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