Blog Writing– Get Information
Blog is a website where a person writes regularly about topics that interest them.
Guidelines for writing a blog post:
ब्लॉग पोस्ट लिहिण्यासाठी मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वे:
- Blog post should be written in the specific template.
ब्लॉग पोस्ट विशिष्ट टेम्प्लेटमध्ये लिहिली पाहिजे.
- Write header and footer.
शीर्षलेख आणि तळटीप लिहा.
- In Header write name of the website, title of the post, words like- publish, save, preview, Close, Compose, HTML etc.
हेडरमध्ये वेबसाइटचे नाव, पोस्टचे शीर्षक व पुढील शब्द लिहा जसे- पब्लिश (प्रकाशित करणे), सेव्ह (जतन करणे), प्रीव्ह्यू (पूर्वावलोकन करणे), क्लोज (बंद करणे), कंपोज (लिखाण करणे), एचटीएमएल (संगणक भाषा) इ.
- In Footer write words like – comments and date. Write imaginary date.
फूटरमध्ये – टिप्पण्या आणि तारीख असे शब्द लिहा. तारीख काल्पनिक लिहा.
- Decorate blog post by pictures, if possible.
शक्य असल्यास चित्रांद्वारे ब्लॉग पोस्ट सजवा.
- Use the hints to write the blog post.
ब्लॉग पोस्ट लिहिण्यासाठी दिलेल्या सूचनांचा वापर करा.
- Search various blogs on internet to see the content, style and template.
सामग्री, शैली आणि टेम्पलेट पाहण्यासाठी इन्टरनेट वर विविध ब्लॉग शोधा.
- Make your own blog and share your views or information.
तुमचा स्वतःचा ब्लॉग बनवा आणि तुमची मते किवा माहिती शेअर करा.
- Go through the blog : पुढील ब्लॉगवर जा:
(Blog for Std. XI and XII English)
Scheme of marking
Main content | 02 |
Header/ Menu/ Navigation bar | 01 |
Footer | 01 |
Total: | 04 |
Header/ Menu/ Navigation bar
1) Name of the website: |
2) Compose |
3) HTML |
4) Post Title: |
5) Publish |
6) Preview |
7) Save |
8) Close |
1) Comments: Keep Blank |
2) Date: Imaginary Date |
Main Content
1) It should be written in the rectangular box in the middle area. |
2) Divide it in short paragraphs. |
3) Draw pictures if possible. |
4) Use hints to write the information. |
5) Use simple, clear and grammatically correct sentences. |
6) Write information in 100 to 150 words. |
Actual Blog Template:

Blog Template for the exam:

Examples of Blog Posts:
Activity No. 1
Q. Prepare a blog post about your views on Junk-food versus Home-made-food.
Hints: Show difference in both types of foods, give your opinion about good food, use blog template to write answer.

See More-
See more Examples of blog post writing in the following book-
Activity Workbook for Std. XII English
Writer – Prof. Tushar Chavan
Price Rs. 400 + Courier Rs. 50
Total Rs. 450
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Activity No. 2
September 2021 – Board Activity Sheet
Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Yoga – A practice for better living’ with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:- Importance of Yoga in life- Keeps body fit and healthy- Refreshes soul and mind- Stress buster- Meditation helps in focusing. |

Activity No. 3
Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Cyber security’ with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:- What is cyber security?- common cyber threats- practical tips to build cyber security. |

Activity No. 4 (HSC Board – July 2024)
Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Leisure and Entertainment’ with the help of the following points (100 to 150 words): Contextual meaning Why the need? What changes can be noticed? Do’s and don’ts |

Blog template is very good and easy to remember.
[…] Blog Writing […]
[…] Blog Writing […]
[…] Blog Writing […]
Thanku for a blog writing
Blog writing is important writing skill topic. Nice work.
Blog writing is important writing skill topic. Nise work 👌👌
Nice work👌👌👌
Nice work…