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Blog Writing


Blog Writing– Get Information


Blog is a website where a person writes regularly about topics that interest them.

Guidelines for writing a blog post:

ब्लॉग पोस्ट लिहिण्यासाठी मार्गदर्शक तत्त्वे:

  • Blog post should be written in the specific template.

ब्लॉग पोस्ट विशिष्ट टेम्प्लेटमध्ये लिहिली पाहिजे.

  • Write header and footer.

शीर्षलेख आणि तळटीप लिहा.

  • In Header write name of the website, title of the post, words like- publish, save, preview, Close, Compose, HTML  etc.

हेडरमध्ये वेबसाइटचे नाव, पोस्टचे शीर्षक व पुढील  शब्द लिहा जसे- पब्लिश (प्रकाशित करणे), सेव्ह (जतन करणे), प्रीव्ह्यू (पूर्वावलोकन करणे), क्लोज (बंद करणे), कंपोज (लिखाण करणे), एचटीएमएल (संगणक भाषा) इ.

  • In Footer write words like – comments and date. Write imaginary date.

फूटरमध्ये – टिप्पण्या आणि तारीख असे शब्द लिहा. तारीख काल्पनिक लिहा.

  • Decorate blog post by pictures, if possible.

शक्य असल्यास चित्रांद्वारे ब्लॉग पोस्ट सजवा.  

  • Use the hints to write the blog post.

ब्लॉग पोस्ट लिहिण्यासाठी दिलेल्या सूचनांचा वापर करा.

  • Search various blogs on internet to see the content, style and template.

सामग्री, शैली आणि टेम्पलेट पाहण्यासाठी इन्टरनेट वर विविध ब्लॉग शोधा.

  • Make your own blog and share your views or information.

तुमचा स्वतःचा ब्लॉग बनवा आणि तुमची मते किवा माहिती शेअर करा.

  • Go through the blog : पुढील ब्लॉगवर जा:


(Blog for Std. XI and XII English)

Scheme of marking

Main content     02
Header/ Menu/ Navigation bar01
Footer       01
Total:  04

Header/ Menu/ Navigation bar

1) Name of the website: www.blogger.com
2) Compose
4) Post Title:
5) Publish
6) Preview
7) Save
8) Close


1) Comments: Keep Blank
2) Date: Imaginary Date

Main Content

1) It should be written in the rectangular box in the middle area.
2) Divide it in short paragraphs.
3) Draw pictures if possible.
4) Use hints to write the information.
5) Use simple, clear and grammatically correct sentences.
6) Write information in 100 to 150 words.

Actual Blog Template:

Blog Template for the exam:

Examples of Blog Posts:

Activity No. 1

Q. Prepare a blog post about your views on Junk-food versus Home-made-food.

Hints: Show difference in both types of foods, give your opinion about good food, use blog template to write answer.


See More-

Speech Writing

Expansion of Idea

Group Discussion

E- Mail Writing

Drafting a Virtual Message

Mind Mapping

Framing interview questions

Report Writing

See more Examples of blog post writing in the following book-

Activity Workbook for Std. XII English

Writer – Prof. Tushar Chavan

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Total Rs. 450

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Activity No. 2

September 2021 – Board Activity Sheet

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Yoga – A practice for better living’ with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:- Importance of Yoga in life- Keeps body fit and healthy- Refreshes soul and mind- Stress buster- Meditation helps in focusing.


Activity No. 3

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Cyber security’ with the help of the following points in about 100/150 words:- What is cyber security?- common cyber threats- practical tips to build cyber security.

Activity No. 4 (HSC Board – July 2024)

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Leisure and Entertainment’ with the help of the following points (100 to 150 words):
Contextual meaning
Why the need?
What changes can be noticed?
Do’s and don’ts



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