An Astrologer’s Day : R K Narayan
The title of the text: An Astrologer’s Day
1) ‘An astrologer’s Day’ arouses curiosity as something might have taken place on a particular day. It attracts the readers to go through the text.
2) ‘An astrologer’s Day’ – Here ‘a day’ is a specific day in life that can be a turning point of somebody’s life. The title is very interesting and creates curiosity in the mind of the readers. The writer extended the word with a particular purpose as it was used by Churchill… ‘Everyone has his day’.
3) The title creates curiosity in the mind of the reader about astrology and astrologer’s life. It also creates interest in reading to find out what is that particular day of the astrologer in the story.

Vocabulary – Punctually: at the proper time, on time, exactly, promptly Equipment: necessary tools for particular purpose Cowrie shells: a small sea creature with soft body and a brightly coloured shell Obscure: unknown, vague, difficult to understand Mystic: having magical qualities Palmyra: a fan palm (Borassus flabellifer) grown in India, Sri Lanka, and tropical Africa for its durable wood, its edible fruits, its leaves used for covering, etc. Resplendent: shining brightly Sacred: holy Vermilion: a bright red pigment Sparkled: shining brightly Gleam: light reflected from something Continual: repeated, frequent Prophetic: having power to predict Considerably: to a great extent or degree Enhanced: made better or more attractive, intense Whiskers: hair growing on the sides of someone’s face or chicks Streamed down: stretched out with a wavy motion, to extend, wave or float a half-wit’s eyes: a stupid, foolish person to crown: to dignify, elevate, perfect, raise wound: coil, wrap around saffron-colored: a dark yellow colour turban: a traditional headdress consisting of a long scarf wrapped around the head bees: a flying insect producing wax or honey cosmos: various colours flowers boughs: any of the larger branches of a tree tamarind: long-lived tropical evergreen tree with long pods with edible chocolate- colored acidic pulp flanked: be located at the both sides of path surging: increasing trades and occupations: commercial exchange of goods and services Auctioneer: an agent who conducts an auction (The public sale of something to the highest bidder) din: loud noise Vociferousness: noisy outcrying Flocked: moved as a crowd or in a group Dallied: talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions Transacted: conduct business Light of a Flare: a sudden burst of flame Crackled: made a crushing noise Enchantment: a magical spell, fascination, attraction Lit up: made lighter or brighter Hissing gaslights: a fricative sound of flare Naked flares: having no protecting or concealing cover to fire Bewildering: confusing Not in the least: not at all, not in any way Astonished: filled with wonder or surprise Shrewd guesswork: clever, intelligent Tiling: Cultivation of the land in order to raise crops Ancestral: inherited from an ancestor Tangles: Something jumbled or confused Perception: Knowledge gained by perceiving Pie: Small old coin of British India Disposed to: likely or inclined Well disposed: favourable Impetuous: acting without thinking, headlong, rash Endeared: made attractive or lovable Forbidding exterior: unfriendly or frightening appearance Blew outː extinguished Bundle up: make into a bundle, wrap up, pack Shaft: here beam of light Strayed: wandered aimlessly around some place Paraphernalia: equipment Blotted out: to cover or hide something completely Sensed: perceived, comprehend Careworn: showing signs of stress and worry Do good: be beneficial to someone Grumbled: made complaining sounds Thrust under nose: Push forcefully in front of nose Tilting: to move into a sloping position. Piqued: aroused in anger, offended Flung: Throw with force Bluffing: to give false impression of strength, deceiving , misleading Provided: On condition, usually followed by that Cheroot: a short, thin cigar with both ends cut flat Glimpse: a quick look Hooted: to sound the horn, cry out, shout Jutka: two wheeled horse-driven vehicle Swore at: curse, use bad language Babble of the crowd: sound of continues trivial talk, gossip Agitate: to stir, disturb, trouble Ruthlessly: In a ruthless, cruel manner Dragged: Forced into some kind of situation, condition Shivered: trembled or shook with fear Shook: Move with or as if with a tremor Thrust: Push forcefully forward Drying up: Lose water or moisture, become dry Disgorge: to give up or hand over Incantations: magical words, a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect Haggling: bargaining, arguing for better deal Bared: Made visible, allowed others to see Scar: a permanent mark on the skin caused by healing of a wound Passer-by: A person who passes by casually or by chance Overwhelmed: Become filled with uncontrollable emotion, joyful Enthusiasm: A feeling of excitement Clenching: to grip or hold tightly Far-off: Very far away in space or time Groaned: moan, grumbled, indicate pain, discomfort or displeasure Taken aback: greatly surprised, became speechless A pinch: a small amount of powder hold between thumb and forefinger Reflectively: In a thoughtful manner, ponder Choke out: kill by pressing neck Regretfully: in a regretful, sorrowful manner Look gratified: pleased, satisfied Jaggery: unrefined coarse brown sugar made from sugar cane juice or palm sap. The swine: a cruel person Pyol: a string cot/low bench/verandah Gasped: take a short quick breath through your mouth, especially when you are surprised, shocked, or in pain. Yawning: to open the mouth wide and take a lot of air into usually when tired or bored Stretch: put arms or legs straight. |
Ice Breakers:
1) Complete the activity.
What are your strengths?
Strengths | Why do you feel so? | Dream career |
painting and drawing | can visualise, express | commercial artist, cartoonist |
dancing | passion, expression | choreographer, artist |
singing | voice modulation | Singer |
music | passion for musical instruments or to get peace and relaxation | music composer / Musician |
acting | enacting as per situations | actor |
making various kinds of dishes | love to make food | chef |
ask questions | can raise critical issues | News anchor, Journalist |
write stories | can arrange different ideas and events | Writer |
persuade | can convince anyone | salesman/ businessman |
weaving and sewing | can design clothes | dress designer |
2) The scene in a local market of a village/town/city is very attractive. People with different occupations sell their wares. Give the variety of activities at the local market.
1. selling flowers, selling grocery.
2. selling sweets, namkeens, bangles, artificial jewelries, homemade medicines, fruits, vegetables, home utensils, beauty products, clothes etc.
3. bantering, bargaining, discussing, joking, shouting etc.
4. transport of goods and other products.
5. movement of persons and hand carts,
6. use of different dialects or languages.
3) In a village /town /city it is quite a common sight to see an astrologer sitting by the roadside with his professional equipment.
Give a list the requirements for his trade.
1) parrot, cards etc.
2) cowrie shell, obscure things, clothes ,mala, beads, flowers etc
3) lemon, green chillies, sindoor, books, photos of deity, wand, etc.
4) Panchang, mystic charts, palmyra writing, stick, mat, etc.
4) There are certain unreasonable beliefs among people living in our society. Certain common events are linked with superstitions.
List such events, discuss the superstitions linked with them and the means of their eradication.
1) A cat crossing your path
2) To cut the nails at night.
3) To see the women carrying empty pitchers.
4) To scratch the left hand.
5) To kill the cat.
6) To take salt on the palm.
7) To sit on the threshold.
8) To blow the burning diya.(oil lamp)
9) To touch the trees at night.
10) To remove the foot wears in front of the door.
11) To hear the caws of crow.
12) To blink the left eye.
13) Howling of dog.
14) Boiled milk overflowing from vessel.
15) Belief in supernatural powers.
16) Sacrifice of animals toward of evil.
17) Marriage of animals to ward off drought and bring rain.
18) Hang lemon and chillies.
19) Hang black doll on the door.
20) Seeing owl on the way.
21) Donating amount in figure of 11, 21, 51 and so on.
22) Breaking of mirror brings bad luck.
23) Sweeping of home at night.
24) Painting black spot to the infant.
Means to eradicate the superstitions:
1. By keeping scientific attitude.
2. Finding rationale behind them.
3. By exposing their falsehood.
4. By creating social awareness drive.
5. Through literacy campaigns
6. Through stage shows, films, songs, plays and TV programmes.
7. Taking help of local NGOs.
8. Organising Workshops, seminars and scientific forums at school and colleges.
9. By Scientific thinking
10. By doing practical analysis
11. By doing tie up with organisation that exposes the truth through analytical thinking.
Brainstorming activities:
(i) Given below are some descriptions. Discuss them with your partner and find out one word for each of them.
(a) The scientific study of the universe and the objects in it, including stars, planets, nebulae and galaxies-
Answer- Astronomy
(b) The study of the movements of the planets, Sun, Moon, and Stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people’s lives-
Answer- Astrology or (Cosmology or Astrophysics)
(c) A prediction of what will happen in the future.-
Answer- Prophecy
(d) Scientific discipline that studies mental states and processes and behaviour in humans and other animals.-
Answer- Psychology
(ii) In the story we are told that the Town Hall Park was a remarkable place in many ways for an astrologer to build his business. List the exceptional qualities of the place.
a) A surging crowd
b) A variety of trades and occupations.
c) An auctioneer of cheap cloth creating enough din to attract the whole town.
d) Shouting vendor of fried groundnut.
e) Shops did not have the benefit of municipal lighting.
f) The place was lit up by shop lights.
g) Bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows.
(iii) The astrologer never opened his mouth till the other had spoken for at least ten minutes. Discuss the reasons behind his act.
a) He is good at reading the people.
b) The information given by people provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers and advices
c) He got a chance to analyze the troubles of his customer.
d) He worked on the policy those who hear a lot learn a lot.
e) He got a way to win the confidence of the customer.
f) He got enough time for searching answers and giving advice.
(i) The tactics used by the astrologer to earn his wages are…
a) Analysis of human troubles
b) A good presence of mind, experience and perception
c) Use of equipment and shrewdness.
d) Comment on the customer’s nature, affairs, efforts and fate.
e) Creation of fear in the mind of the customer.
f) Use of general statements to endear the customers and win their hearts.
(ii) An astrologer’s appearance helps to create an impression on his clients. The things creating the good impression on clients are:
a) The turban on his head b) Sacred ash and vermilion on forehead c) Dark mustachecovering his voice d) Sparkling eyes having gleam |
(iii) Read the following sentences and choose the correct one.
(a) The astrologer says that if Nayak leaves his village again, he would –
(1) return the money
(2) face danger
(3) go back home and stop looking for the man who tried to kill him
(4) not find the killer.
Answer: face danger
(b) According to the narrator the astrologer’s success in his profession is primarily due to –
(1) luck
(2) the bargains he drives
(3) his appearance
(4) his understanding of people.
Answer: his understanding of people.
(c) The story suggests that the astrologer’s comments and observations please people by –
(1) promising them success and good fortune
(2) proving, as time passes, to have been true
(3) flattering them or supporting their own views
(4) helping them to learn to solve their own problems.
Answer: flattering them or supporting their own views
(d) Guru Nayak consults the astrologer because he wants to –
(1) understand the past
(2) find out who the astrologer is
(3) make some money through a bet
(4) get the answer to a specific question
Answer: get the answer to a specific question
(e) Guru Nayak is looking for the man who tried to kill him –
(1) to take revenge
(2) to get an apology
(3) to demand an explanation
(4) to prove that the man was unsuccessful.
Answer: to take revenge
(f) The astrologer’s remark makes Guru Nayak feel all of the following except-
(1) relieved
(2) suspicious
(3) impressed
(4) disappointed.
Answer: suspicious
(g) Reactions of the astrologer’s wife to his news suggest that she –
(1) was unaware of his past
(2) has been worried about his safety
(3) has known him since he was young
(4) is concerned about her future with him.
Answer: was unaware of his past
(iv) In the story, many Indian words are used.
‘Cowrie shells’. This is an example of code-mixing.
Find out other such words from the story and write them down.
Examples of code – mixing:-
Raja’s Delicacy,
Bombay ice cream,
Delhi Almond,
three pies,
eight annas,
half annas,
lit a cheeroot etc.
(iv) Read the following sentences and find out True and False sentences. Correct the False sentences.
(a) The astrologer gave a correct prediction to the client about his past that he was stabbed, thrown into a well and left for dead.- True
(b) When the astrologer came to know that the man whom he killed is alive he felt that he was relieved of his guilt. – True
(c) The astrologer tried to back out of the deal and talked about the client’s past. – False (The astrologer demanded more money to tell about the client’s past)
(d) The astrologer rescued himself from Guru Nayak’s revenge. – True
(e) The moral of the story is that we must be responsible about what we have done and should not run away from our mistakes. – True
(v) The astrologer has changed his appearance and his persona when he arrived in the city. Give specific reasons.
When astrologer was a silly youngster, he quarreled with Guru Nayak and tried to kill him in wrath. He thought that he had murdered Guru Nayak. So he left the village and settled in the distant city where no one was familiar with him. He changed his attire and also changed the complete appearance and persona so that no one could recognise him and his offence of killing Guru Nayak would not be revealed.
(vi)’The darkness load that was inside the astrologer has disappeared’. Through this sentence, explain the significance of the title ‘An Astrologer’s Day’.
An astrologer was living under the burden of thought that he had the blood of man on his hands all those days. But one day he saw a stranger before him. He identified Guru Nayak. When he saw Guru Nayak was alive, he became tension free. The day on which he was relieved from that load, was a special day for him. So that day is called An Astrologer’s Day.
(vii) The astrologer feels relieved that Guru is not dead as it relieves a great burden from him. Critically justify the statement and explain it.
An astrologer was living under the load of thought that he had murdered Guru Nayak. So he felt himself guilty. But one day when he saw Guru Nayak before him alive, he felt relieved from the burden of that thought means he was not dead.
(viii) The astrologer wins/gets the sympathy of criticism of the reader in the end. Express your opinion with the support of the main story.
The Astrologer gets the sympathy of the readers because he was guilty of his deed and wanted to get away from it. His smartness and the tricks of his trade had saved him from his past crime. He had accepted his mistake and already started living a new life. Acceptance of mistake is a great quality which is difficult to find. His perception, presence of mind, self-confidence and shrewdness helped him to overcome the problem. He had learnt a lesson hence the astrologer got sympathy from the readers.
(ix) If we have to eradicate the superstitions and other ill practices from our society, what steps would you like to suggest?
I would like to suggest the following steps for eradicating the superstitions and other ill practices from our society.
a) To make the people aware of the things which are good and which are bad for our development and also for the development of our society.
b)To tell them about the ill effects of superstitions on our health.
c)To try to develop the scientific views in the people.
d)To make aware them how common persons are deceived under the names of blind beliefs by some so called Sadhus.
e) To tell the people not to believe in unknown persons who come to your doorstep and ask you to make double the money or ornaments.
f)To take the help of the organizations who are working in the field of eradication of superstitions. These organizations will arrange programmes to show the ill impacts of superstitions.
g)To try develop scientific thinking within common people through practical experiences.etc.
(x) In the story, astrologer has a great listening power. Listening helps in developing good relations with people. Express your opinion.
Yes, listening helps in developing good relations with people.
a) If we listen carefully what the person before us telling, he / she will respect us.
b) If we listen someone’s agony, we can console him / her. It helps us to build good relationship.
c) Listening also helps us to sort out the misunderstanding.
d) Listening is skill which helps one to communicate successfully.
e) If we don’t listen others and speak to the people all the time, they get bored and try to avoid us which affects the relations.
f) A good listener is always alert and can judge things in correct perspective. Such person takes proper steps to maintain the relationship.
(i) In the story, the following characters reveal their qualities through words and actions. Pick out the words that describe them and write before the characters.
Astrologer | Guru Nayak | Astrologer’s wife |
(1) shrewd | manipulative | Caring |
(2) | ||
(3) | ||
(4) |
Astrologer | Guru Nayak | Astrologer’s wife |
(1) shrewd | manipulative | Caring |
(2) clever | shrewd | demanding |
(3) suspicious | arrogant | protective |
(4) mean | overconfident | rational |
(5) manipulative | cunning | humanistic |
(6) worried | aggressive | |
(7) cunning | antagonistic | |
(8) intuitive | quarrelsome | |
(9) skeptical | gullible | |
(10) mystical | ||
(11) smart | ||
(12) sharp | ||
(13) impetuous |
PDF created by Prof. Nitin Gunjal
Activity Sheet No.1 on 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day
Q. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)
An Astrologers Day : Punctually at midday, he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and a bundle of palmyra writing. His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position—placed as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron-colored’ turban around his head. This color scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways: a surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road morning till night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine-sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians and, above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnuts who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it Bombay Ice-Cream one day, and on the next Delhi Almond, and on the third Raja’s Delicacy, and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him. |
An Astrologers Day Activity: Activity Sheet No.1
A1. List (2)
Make a list of astrologer’s professional equipment mentioned in the extract.
उताऱ्यात नमूद केलेल्या ज्योतिषाच्या व्यावसायिक उपकरणांची यादी तयार करा.
List of Astrologer’s Professional equipment:
1) Notebook
2) Cowrie shells
3) Square piece of cloth
4) Palmyra writing
5) Saffron-colored turban
6) Sacred ash
7) saffron-colored turban
8) dark whiskers
A2. Describe (2)
Describe the market place given in the extract in 50 words.
बाजाराचे 50 शब्दात वर्णन करा.
The market place was a remarkable place where surging crowd was always moving up and down on narrow road morning to evening. A variety of trades and occupations were seen there. It included medicine-sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, an auctioneer of cheap cloth and a vendor of fried groundnuts. It was a noisy market due to the shouting of the traders.
A3. Find (2)
The prophet made special arrangements to attract people. Find its proof from the extract
ज्योतिषाने लोकांना आकर्षित करण्यासाठी केलेल्या उपाययोजनांचा पुरावा द्या.
The prophet made special arrangements to attract people. He spread out his professional equipment in front of him. His forehead was shining with sacred ash. The painted forehead and the dark moustache which streamed down his cheeks enhanced the power of his eyes. He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head.
A4. Personal Response (2)
Write in 50 words about the career you like to choose in your life.
तुम्हाला आवडणाऱ्या करियर ची 50 शब्दात माहिती द्या.
Though there are many options to choose the career, I would like to join the field of administration. For this I have to appear for the competitive exams. This job would give me a chance to serve my country wholeheartedly. I would try to stop corruption and solve the problems of common people. I would also try to provide government facilities and reforms to the poor and needy people.
A5. Language Study (Do as directed) (2)
1) This color scheme never failed.
(Choose the correct alternative showing affirmative sentence having the same meaning given here)
i) This colour scheme always failed.
ii) This colour scheme always successful.
iii) This colour scheme was always successful.
iv) This colour scheme is always successful.
iii) This colour scheme was always successful.
2) To crown the effect, he wound a saffron-colored turban around his head.
(Choose the correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as a compound sentence)
i) He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head and crowned the effect.
ii) He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head to crown the effect.
iii) He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head which crowned the effect.
iv) He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head while crowning the effect.
i) He wound a saffron-colored turban around his head and crowned the effect.
A6. Vocabulary (2)
Match the words given in ‘A’ with their meanings given in ‘B’.
(जोड्या लावा)
A | B |
1) punctually | a) unclear |
2) remarkable | b) holy |
3) obscure | c) striking |
4) sacred | d) at the proper time |
A | B |
1) punctually | a) at the proper time |
2) remarkable | b) striking |
3) obscure | c) unclear |
4) sacred | d) holy |
Click below –
See Video Lecture on- An Astrologer’s Day
2.1 Song of the open Road 2.2 Indian Weavers 2.3 The Inchcape Rock 2.4 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow
Activity Sheet No.2 on 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day
Q. Read the extract and complete the activities given below: (12)
“Stop,” said the other. “I don’t want all that. Shall I succeed in my present search or not? Answer this and go. Otherwise I will not let you go till you disgorge all your coins.” The astrologer muttered a few incantations and replied, “All right. I will speak. But will you give me a rupee if what I say is convincing? Otherwise, I will not open my mouth, and you may do what you like.” After a good deal of haggling the other agreed. The astrologer said, “You were left for dead. Am I right?” “Ah, tell me more.” “A knife has passed through you once?” said the astrologer. “Good fellow!” He bared his chest to show the scar. “What else?” “And then you were pushed into a well nearby in the field. You were left for dead.” “I should have been dead if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the well,” exclaimed the other, overwhelmed by enthusiasm. “When shall I get at him?” he asked, clenching his fist. “In the next world,” answered the astrologer. “He died four months ago in a far-off town. You will never see any more of him.” The other groaned on hearing it. The astrologer proceeded. “Guru Nayak— “You know my name!” the other said, taken aback. “As I know all other things, Guru Nayak, listen carefully to what I have to say. Your village is two days’ journey due north of this town. Take the next train and be gone. I see once again great danger to your life if you go from home.” He took out a pinch of sacred ash and held it out to him. “Rub it on your forehead and go home. Never travel southward again, and you will live to be a hundred.” “Why should I leave home again?” the other said reflectively. “I was only going away now and then to look for him and to choke out his life if I met him.” He shook his head regretfully. “He has escaped my hands. I hope at least he died as he deserved.” “Yes,” said the astrologer. “He was crushed under a lorry.” The other looked gratified to hear it. |
A1. Rewrite the following sentences and state whether they are True or False: (2)
(a) The name of the astrologer was Guru Nayak.
(b) A passer-by had saved the other man.
(c) The astrologer took out a pinch of salt and held it to the other man.
(d) A knife had passed through the other man long ago.
(a) The name of the astrologer was Guru Nayak.- False
(b) A passer-by had saved the other man.- True
(c) The astrologer took out a pinch of salt and held it to the other man.- True
(d) A knife had passed through the other man long ago.- True
A2. The other man looked gratified, because———-
(Choose Two correct alter-natives from the following): (2)
(a) His enemy was going to meet him in his own village.
(b) The astrologer told him that his enemy was crushed under a lorry.
(c) His enemy died as he deserved.
(d) His enemy was very happy and contented.
(b) The astrologer told him that his enemy was crushed under a lorry.
(c) His enemy died as he deserved.
A3. The astrologer suggested the other man never to travel southward again:
Guess and write the purpose behind the astrologer’s suggestion.
The astrologer suggested the other man not to travel southward again because he wanted to get rid of Guru Nayak once and for all. He never wanted to see him again. He was afraid of getting his true identity revealed, and possibility of Guru Nayak taking revenge if they ever met face to face again.
A4. Give/express your views on the effect of superstitions. (2)
Superstitions have a negative impact on the persons in the society. Many persons become passive and stop their work fearing failure. The different types of superstitions have different bad effect on individuals’ risk-taking behaviour. They also decrease the confidence of the person. So in my opinion, superstitions are bad and we should avoid superstitions.
A5. Language study: (2)
(i) He shook his head regretfully.
(Choose the correct alternative to get the Present Perfect Tense form of the given sentence.)
(a) He shakes his head regretfully. shaken his head regretfully.
(b) He has shaken his head regretfully.
(c) He had shaken his head regretfully.
(d) He will shake his head regretfully.
(b) He has shaken his head regretfully.
(ii) I will not open my mouth.
(Choose the correct alternative to get affirmative form without changing the meaning of the sentence.)
(a) I will not close my mouth.
(b) I will open my mouth.
(c) I will shut my mouth.
(c) I will shut my mouth.
A6. Find and write the words which have similar meaning for the following from the extract:
(a) bargaining
(b) surrender under pressure
(c) made a low sound of distress
(d) to look cautiously
(a) bargaining- haggling
(b) surrender under pressure- disgorge
(c) made a low sound of distress- groaned
(d) to look cautiously- peep
(ii) Match the suffixes with the words and make nouns. One is done for you.
Word | suffix | noun |
auction | able | auctioneer |
enchant | ure | |
know | ment | |
prepare | eer | |
proceed | ance | |
appear | ledge | |
remark | tion |
Word | Suffix | noun |
auction | Able | auctioneer |
enchant | Ure | enchantment |
know | ment | knowledge |
prepare | eer | preparation |
proceed | ance | procedure |
appear | ledge | appearance |
remark | tion | remarkable |
iii) Astrologer’s Day’ has ironic elements where the astrologer pretends to have ‘supernatural knowledge’ that coincidently turns out to be the truth.
Irony means a situation or statement characterized by a significant difference between what is expected and what actually happens, or between what is understood and what is meant.
Find out the examples of irony from the story and write them down. One has been done for you.
a) He knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself the next minute.
b) He had a working analysis of mankind’s troubles.
c) Within five minutes he understood what was wrong.
d) Guru Nayak came to the astrologer for help in finding the man who nearly killed him–and the astrologer himself was the very man he was looking for but he couldn’t recognize him.
e) His forehead was resplendent with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted.
f) Nayak learnt that his attacker was dead. The astrologer learnt that he did not commit murder.
g) T he very fact that such pious and sanctimoniously sacrosanct activities are carried out in busy market lanes where day to day businesses are carried out makes quite a few eyebrows to get raised and worry about the real underpinnings of these businesses.
See more
1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence
प्राचीन भारतीय मुद्रा प्रणाली
An Astrologer’s Day has the reference of old Indian currency- Pie
See its value-
फूटी (फुटलेली) कौड़ी (Phootie Cowrie) पासून कौड़ी,
कौड़ी (कवडी) पासून दमड़ी (Damri),
दमड़ी पासून धेला (Dhela)
धेला पासून पाई (Pie)
पाई पासून पैसा (Paisa)
पैसा पासून आणा (Aana)
आण्या पासून रूपया (Rupya) तयार झाला.
See conversion: |
256 दमड़ी = 192 पाई = 128 धेला = 64 पैसा (Old) |
जुन्या चलनाचे रूपांतर:
हिंदी शब्द वापरले जात होते-
3 फूटी कौड़ी = | 1 कौड़ी |
10 कौड़ी = | 1 दमड़ी |
2 दमड़ी = | 1 धेला |
1 धेला = | 1.5 पाई |
3 पाई = | 1 पैसा |
4 पैसा = | 1 आना |
16 आना = | 1 रूपया |
प्राचीन मुद्रा की इन्ही इकाइयों ने हमारी बोल-चाल की भाषा को कई कहावतें दी है, जो पहले की तरह अब भी प्रचलित है।
1) एक फूटी कौड़ी भी नहीं दूंगा।
2) धेले का काम नहीं करती हमारी बहू ।
3) चमड़ी जाए पर दमड़ी न जाए।
4) सोलह आने सच ।
5) पाई-पाई का हिसाब रखना।
मराठीतही या चलना संदर्भात उल्लेख आढळतो.
1) एक फुटकी कवडी पण नाहीये माझ्याकडे.
2) त्याने सोळा आणे खरं सांगितले.
3) पै – पै गोळा करून हे सर्व वाढवले आहे.
Really appreciable Sir, Thanks for your intelligence with us.
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[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
Well explained.
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
nice sir
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
nice sir
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
People say that education is the third eye of human being…but I say that showing and explaining education by this way is the third eye of human being in modern era.
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
[…] 1.1 An Astrologer’s Day […]
[…] An Astrologer’s Day […]
Nice 👍
[…] An Astrologer’s Day […]
Very well explained
Nice work
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