Home Activity Sheets HSC Board Exam February 2023 Novel Section

HSC Board Exam February 2023 Novel Section


HSC Board Exam February 2023 Novel Section- See Expected Answers

Maharashtra HSC Board Answer sheet- Novel



Q. 5. (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions: (4) [16]

(1) Match the following items from column-A with those from the column-B

Column ‘A’Column ‘B
(a) Oroonoku(i) Joseph Conard
(b) The Heart of Darkness(ii) John Bunyan
(c) Frankenstein(iii) Aphra Behn
(d) The Pilgrim’s Progress(iv) Mary Shelly


Column ‘A’Column ‘B
(a) Oroonoku(iii) Aphra Behn
(b) The Heart of Darkness(i) Joseph Conard
(c) Frankenstein(iv) Mary Shelly
(d) The Pilgrim’s Progress(ii) John Bunyan

(ii) Choose the correct alternatives and complete the given statements: (2)

(a) Novels with the elements of horror, blood-shed and mystery are called ——————- novels.

(Realistic, Gothic, Psychological)


Novels with the elements of horror, blood-shed and mystery are called Gothic novels.

(b) The German word ‘bildungsroman’ indicates ————-

(Letter, New, Growth)


The German word ‘bildungsroman’ indicates Growth.

(c) There are ————– essential elements of ‘Novel’ or ‘Novella’

(six, eight, eleven)


There are six essential elements of ‘Novel’ or ‘Novella’

(d) Struggle between the opposite forces in the story is called —-

(plot, conflict, setting)


Struggle between the opposite forces in the story is called conflict.

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(B) Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘To Sir, With Love’ (answer in about 50 words): (4)

(i) Give the character-sketch of E.R. Braithwaite (the narrator). (2)


E.R. Braithwaite is the narrator of the novel  ‘To Sir, With Love’. He is a very sensitive person. He served in the army. After leaving the army job, he gets a job in a school. Initially he has a very difficult time with the students. They are disrespectful, ill-mannered and mischievous. They harass him from day one. However, his behaviour and understanding of the students’ psychology wins their hearts. Though he was bullied, harassed, mentally and physically tortured many times, he didn’t lose his patience. He continued implementing his novel ideas and innovative techniques that helped him to bring a significant change in his students’ behaviour. On the day of the half-yearly report of the Students’ Council, his students are business- like, confident, cool and courteous. He feels proud of them. E.R. Braithwaite is the important character showing the student – teacher relationship. This is one of the themes of the novel, ‘To Sir, With Love’.

(ii) Describe how Miss Philips justifies the importance of P.T. to Denham. (2)


Miss Phillips is one of the three teachers chosen for the panel discussion. She proves herself as the best informed teacher. She supports the P.T. classes. Student Denham, a trained boxer, objects to have P.T. classes in the time-table. He thinks that P.T. twice a week for twenty minutes is a waste of time. She tells him that the whole time-table in the school is meant to help the students in the world after they left school. According to her the school has made a good time-table including P.T. and games so that each student receives maximum benefit from it. Miss Phillips claims that P.T. should be considered as much an exercise of the mind as it is of the body. It is associated with discipline.  It is a part of training. In this way Miss Philips justifies the importance of P.T. to Denham.

(C) Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (Answer in about 50 words): (4)

(i) Elaborate the following quote in the light of Phileas Fogg’s Venture….. ‘Quitters never win and Winners never quit.’ (2)


Phileas Fogg is wrongly arrested by detective Fix. He loses valuable time due to this arrest and imprisonment. When Fogg releases, he makes every effort to reach London on time. He arranges a special train from Liverpool. He does not quit when he feels that there is some faint chance of a win. This shows his fighting spirit, determination, and persistence. When Passepartout discovers that it is Saturday and not Sunday, and that there is still a chance of winning, Fogg rushes to the Reform Club. He does not give up his efforts despite all the obstacles. If he quits his efforts, he will become a loser. Finally, he comes out as a winner. He wins the bet as well as the love of a good woman. In fact, he proves that fortune favours the brave. So, it is rightly said, ‘Quitters never win and Winners never quit.’

(ii) Phileas Fogg knocked detective fix down- Give reason/s. (2)


Detective Fix suspected Phileas Fogg as a bank robber. He followed Fog around the world and arrested him. He was doing his duty. Later Fix knew that Fogg was not the bank robber. He realized his mistake and released Fogg. Fogg’s Journey delayed due the arrest and imprisonment. Fog knew that he had no chance to win the bet. All his efforts were in vain due to the mistake of Fix. He became angry and punched him. He expressed his disappointment knocking detective Fix down.

(D) Activities based on the extract of the novel ‘The Sign of Four’ (Answer in about 50 words):

(1) Describe the significance of Mary Morstan’s visit to the Lyceum Theatre with Holmes and Dr. Watson. (2)


Mary receives anonymous letter asking her to come to meet the writer of the letter outside the Lyceum Theatre on a particular night at seven o’clock.  As per the letter she would get good benefit if she came. Mary meets Holmes and Dr. Watson. The trio decides to visit Lyceum Theatre. They meet with Thaddeus Sholto. He is the person who sends the anonymous letter and the pearls to Mary. Thaddeus Sholto also reveals the secret of Mary’s father’s death and hidden treasure. Here Sherlock Holmes gets the first chance to solve Mary’s case.

(ii) Write in brief the theme of the extract of the novel “The Sign of Four’. (2)


The theme of the extract revolves round the mystery of the disappearance of Mary Morstan’s father. It also arises curiosity about the receipt of expensive pearls by Mary and the mysterious letter received by her. It is the search for the solution to Mary Morstan’s case. It shows the journey of Holmes, Watson and Mary Morstan to  Lyceum Theatre to meet the writer of the mysterious letter. The theme of the novel revolves around the Agra treasure, the effect of greediness of wealth and the destruction that can come through it.

See more activities and questions in the book-

Activity Work Book For Std. XII English

Writer: Prof. Tushar Chavan

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