Book Review

Book Review

Book Review – Know more about it

A book review is a thorough description, critical analysis, and/or evaluation of the quality, meaning, and significance of a book. It is also expressing individual views about any book.

Steps for writing a book review:

1) Title-

Give the appropriateness of the title. Try to give its meaning.

2) About the writer-

Give short information of the writer. His name and few other specialties.

3) Cover-

Give your views about the front and back cover page. If there are any pictures, figures, designs etc., mention its importance. Give your views if the cover page is attractive, effective and apt or not. Mention colour combination used there.

4) Introduction-

Give brief introduction of the book and why do you choose it.

5) Theme /Story/ Summary-

Give the central idea of the book. Do not disclose all the events (or suspense if any) of the story. Just give some hints about the story.

6) Content-

Give brief content of the book. But do not give all the events as they may affect the sale of the book.

7) Planning and Presentation-

Give your views about the chronological order and presentation of the content. See what kind of narration, description or format of telling events is given in the book. Give use language features.

8) Novelty / special features-

Mention the new remarkable things and specialties of the book appealing you most.

9) Conclusion-

Give your overall impression about the book and recommendation about reading/buying it.

10) Suggestion for writing a book revie in the exam-

Write review in simple and clear language. Write a review in 100 to 150 words. One page of the answer sheet is sufficient to write a book review.  Along with the book review, review of any magazine can also be given in the activity sheet. There will be no name of the book or magazine given. Students can write a review of any book or magazine.

Scheme of Marking

Presentation of theme/storyline2 Marks
Technical/Novel Aspects1 Mark
Overall Presentation1 Mark

Activity No. 1

Q. Write a review of any book you have read recently. Use any four of the following points-
Title of the book
Subject/ story
Cover page
Language/ style
Your Opinion about the book


Book- Batatyachi Chal

Title of the Book-

The book ‘Batatychi Chal’, is written by famous Marathi writer Purushottam Laxman Deshpande. It is set in India during the 1940s. The title “Batatychi Chal” focuses on the inhabitants of a tenement called Batatyachi Chal in Girgaon, which is a locality in the city of Mumbai. The families living there belong to the lower middle class. The humorous and unique narrative laments the decline of this class of people.


Mr.P. L. Deshpande was one of the prominent social, fantasy and comic well known Marathi writer. His book “Batataychi Chaal” is a gem in the collection of Marathi literature. The story described middle class imaginary peoples and moments keeping the writer in center.

Book cover-

The cover of the book grabs reader’s attention. Dense trees and potato fields are seen there. On the surface,  it looks like someone is bending over to support the ‘chal’ (resident). It shows the relationship as strong as a tree. There is a bit of fun in it too.

Story content-

There are total 12 chapters in this book. Each chapters contains different and humorous characters. Writer has tried to do justice to each character by painting their inner traits. All the stories give comic relief. Writer covers varied topics in routine life from his observations and own experiences with his signature narrating style that oscillates between humour and sarcasm. The last chapter brings you from the high of humour to depth of emotions like a waterfall.

Language/ style:

The book is written in simple Marathi humorous language. It shows writers unique style of narration. The description is realistic and sarcestic.

My opinion about the book-

One must read this book, and I can bet he will never keep it down till the end. It is one of those books which everybody wants to read again and again. Every time we read it; we enjoy it a lot.

Activity No. 2

Q. Write a review of any book you have read recently. Use any four of the following points-
Title of the book/
Subject/ story
Cover page
Language/ style
Your Opinion about the book


Book- Man Me Hai Vishwas

Title/ author:

‘Man Me Hai Vishwas’ is a famous book written by Vishwas Nagre Patil. He is a famous police officer. It is one of the inspirational books.

Subject/ story:

This is an autobiographical book. It describes the author’s journey from a village youth to the IPS officer – his struggles and achievements. It provides the inspiring journey towards success.

The cover page:

On the cover page of the book we see the photograph of the author in uniform. His pose is confident and is suitable for the title of the book. The back page comes with the author’s message.

Language/ style:

The book is written in simple Marathi language in first person narration. The description is realistic and appealing. The readers relate themselves with the story.


The great book gives a clear message to youths that there are no shortcuts to success. With a positive attitude and strong willpower all barriers can be overcome. It is a must read for the youths aspiring for success in competitive exams.

My opinion about the book:

The book is worth reading book. Its inspirational book. Readers must buy the book and preserve it for ever.

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Book Review- See more examples in the following book-

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Activity No. 3

Q. You have recently read a famous book/magazine. Write ‘Review’ on the same with the help of the following points:
Title, front page, back page
Language, features, contents
Pictures, quality, presentation
Values, vision and variety


“Rich Dad Poor Dad,” written by Robert T. Kiyosaki and first released in 1997, is an effective guide about money. The book talks about two dads, Rich Dad and Poor Dad, to show different ways people think about money and success. Rich Dad and Poor Dad are like symbols for different ideas about wealth and being financially free.

The main idea of the book is all about learning about money and investing. Kiyosaki says we should change how we think about working for money and try to make money work for us by making smart investments and doing our own businesses.

The important message of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is to question normal ideas about money, things we own, and debts. It tells us to think more about building things that make money and having income that comes without working all the time.

There are two parts to the book. The first part has seven chapters in the book. The second part has three chapters and an epilogue. The front and back pages are attractive with four colours and perfect binding. The quality of the book is very good. The pages are white with sharp printing.

In my opinion, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a good book for anyone who wants to see money and wealth in a different way. It gives practical advice and encourages people to take charge of their money. I would recommend it to others, especially if they want to learn more about money and change how they think about getting rich. The book is easy to understand and has examples that many people can relate to, making it a good read for those who want to improve their knowledge and habits around money.

Written by-

Prof. Hassam Khan

P. D. Night College, Malad. Mumbai


  1. Such a great test for 12 th students
    And it very helpful to all
    Thank you for providing
    Thank you very much ✨✨✨^⁠_⁠^B⁠-⁠)}⁠:⁠‑⁠)


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