Format of Activity Sheet for Class XI– Get detailed information
SECTION I – PROSE (34 marks)
(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study, Summary, Note-Making/Mind Mapping) |
Q. 1 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)
(Seen extract from Section No.1 consisting of 275-300 words)
A1) Global understanding | (02) |
A2) Complex factual | (02) |
A3) Inference /Interpretation /Analysis | (02) |
A4) Personal response | (02) |
A5) Language study | (02) |
A6) Vocabulary | (02) |
B) Language Study (Non – textual Grammar) (4)
1) Do as directed / Transformation of Sentence | (3) |
2) Spot the error | (1) |
Q. 2 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (12)
(Unseen extract consisting of 275-300 words)
A1) Global understanding | (02) |
A2) Complex factual | (02) |
A3) Inference /Interpretation /Analysis | (02) |
A4) Personal response | (02) |
A5) Language study | (02) |
A6) Vocabulary | (02) |
B) Summary Writing (03)
Write the summary of the above extract with a suitable title with the help of the given points/hints. |
Scheme of Marking
Covering all important points | 01 |
Language and Vocabulary | 01 |
Grammar | 01 |
C) Note-Making / Mind Mapping (03)
Read the given extract and complete the given activity as per the instructions. |
Scheme of Marking
Covering all important points | 02 |
Presentation | 01 |
Total | 03 |
Q.3 A. Read the extract and complete the activities given below. (10)
(Seen extract from a poem of about of 10 – 15 lines)
A1) Global understanding | (02) |
A2) Inference /Interpretative /Analysis | (02) |
A3) Personal Response | (02) |
A4) Poetic Device | (02) |
A5) Creativity (compose 2-4 lines) | (02) |
Read the extract and write as per the instructions:
(Seen extract of10 – 15 lines from another poem, not asked in Q.3 A)
Scheme of Marking
Appropriate theme and language features | (02) |
Explanation and Presentation | (01) |
Personal opinion and evaluation | (01) |
SECTION III – Writing Skills (16 Marks)
Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. (16)
Q.4 A) Write answer of anyone. | 04 |
1) E-mail Or 2) Letter Writing (Formal) | Out of two, students have to write answer of only one activity. |
Scheme of Marking
Letter Writing
Content | 02 |
Accuracy of Language | 01 |
Appropriateness | 01 |
Content | 02 |
Use of proper format | 01 |
Overall Presentation | 01 |
Q.4 B) Write answer of anyone. | 04 |
1) Expansion of Ideas or 2) Blog Writing or 3) Film Review | Out of three, students have to write answer of only one activity. |
Scheme of Marking
Expansion of Ideas
Expansion of the idea | 02 |
Proper Introduction | 01 |
Conclusion | 01 |
Blog Writing
Main Content | 02 |
Header /Menu /Navigation Bar | 01 |
Footer | 01 |
Film Review
Presentation of the theme /story line | 02 |
Technical /Novel Aspects | 01 |
Overall Presentation | 01 |
Q.4 C) Write answer of anyone. | 04 |
1) Appeal Writing or 2) Leaflet Writing or 3) Report Writing or 4) View-Counterview | Out of four, students have to write answer of only one activity. |
Scheme of Marking
Appeal or Leaflet Writing
Presentation of Content | 02 |
Convincing Language | 01 |
Inspiring and Motivational Message | 01 |
Report Writing
Content | 02 |
Accuracy of Language | 01 |
Appropriate- ness | 01 |
View – Counterview
Appropriate Counter Argument | 02 |
Language Accuracy | 01 |
Presentation | 01 |
Q.4 C) Write answer of anyone. | 04 |
D) Speech Writing or Compering or Dialogue Writing or Framing Interview questions | Out of four, students have to write answer of only one activity. |
Scheme of Marking
Logical Sequence of ideas | 02 |
Introduction | 01 |
Conclusion | 01 |
Connecting events | 02 |
Impressive Introduction | 01 |
Summing up | 01 |
Content | 01 |
Punctuation | 01 |
Correct use of tense | 01 |
Presentation | 01 |
Appropriate framing of questions | 02 |
Language and style | 01 |
Overall impression | 01 |
SECTION IV – Literary Genre (16 Marks)
Q.5 (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions (04)
1) Activities on History of English Drama | (02) |
2) Activities on History of English Drama | (02) |
Activities: Any one
1) MCQ
2) Match the columns
3) Chronological order
4) Fill in the Blanks
5) True or False
6) Elements of Drama
(Activities should not be repeated in the sub-questions)
Q.5 (B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions based on One Act Play. (04)
(Questions: Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)
1) Describe Explain Compare Contrast Name Discuss | (02) Any one word may be used to set question |
2) Illustrate Interpret Narrate Justify Find Identify | (02) Any one word may be used to set question |
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.2)
Q.5 (C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (04)
(Questions: Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)
1) Describe Explain Compare Contrast Name Discuss | (02) Any one word may be used to set question |
2) Illustrate Interpret Narrate Justify Find Identify | (02) Any one word may be used to set question |
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.3 A)
Q.5 (D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below. (04)
(Questions: Plot/Structure/Theme/Setting/Language/Character)
1) Describe Explain Compare Contrast Name Discuss | (02) Any one word may be used to set question |
2) Illustrate Interpret Narrate Justify Find Identify | (02) Any one word may be used to set question |
(Please Note: Activities in this section should be framed on the Unit 4.3 B)
Format of Activity Sheet for Class XI
Sr. No. | Name of the section | Marks | Marks with options |
1 | Prose | 34 | 34 |
2 | Poetry | 14 | 14 |
3 | Writing Skill | 16 | 52 |
4 | Drama | 16 | 16 |
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Nice 👍 thank you sir 🙏
Thanks Sir
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