HomeStd XII PoetryClass XII Poetic Appreciation

Class XII Poetic Appreciation

Class XII Poetic Appreciation- How to remember it.

Poetic Appreciation- Know more about it

Poetic appreciation is the act of recognizing, understanding, and valuing the beauty, depth, and emotional resonance of poetry. It involves delving into the intricate layers of language, symbolism, imagery, and rhythm that poets employ to convey their thoughts and emotions.

दिलेल्या कवितेतील काव्यसौंदर्य उलगडून दाखवणे, कवितेचे सौंदर्य, खोली आणि भावनिक संबंध ओळखणे व समजून घेणे आणि त्याचे मूल्यांकन करणे म्हणजे कवितेचे रसग्रहण करणे होय. यात भाषा, प्रतीकात्मकता, प्रतिमा आणि लयबद्धता यांचा शोध घेणे समाविष्ट आहे. कवितेचा आपल्या मनावर झालेला परिणाम सकारण, स्वशब्दांत, प्रभावी भाषेत मांडणे म्हणजे कवितेचे रसग्रहण होय.

Here are some reasons why poetic appreciation is important:

1) Cultural Preservation: Poetry is often deeply intertwined with the culture, history, and traditions of a society. By appreciating poetry, individuals contribute to the preservation of their cultural heritage and ensure that important ideas and values are passed down through generations.

कविता ही बहुधा समाजाची संस्कृती, इतिहास आणि परंपरा यांच्याशी खोलवर गुंफलेली असते. कवितेचे रसग्रहण करून, व्यक्ती त्यांच्या सांस्कृतिक वारशाचे जतन करण्यासाठी योगदान देतात आणि महत्त्वाच्या कल्पना आणि मूल्ये पिढ्यांपिढ्या हस्तांतरित होतील याची खात्री करतात.

2) Emotional Insight: Poetry has a unique ability to evoke and express complex emotions in a succinct and powerful manner. By appreciating poetry, individuals can gain insight into their own emotions and experiences, as well as the experiences of others, fostering empathy and understanding.

कवितेमध्ये जटिल भावना जागृत करण्याची आणि संक्षिप्त आणि शक्तिशाली पद्धतीने व्यक्त करण्याची अद्वितीय क्षमता असते. कवितेचे रसग्रहण करून, व्यक्ती त्यांच्या स्वतःच्या भावना आणि अनुभव तसेच इतरांच्या अनुभवांबद्दल सहानुभूती आणि समजूतदारपणा वाढवू शकतात.

3) Critical Thinking: Analyzing and interpreting poetry requires critical thinking skills, such as the ability to identify patterns, make connections, and draw conclusions. Poetic appreciation encourages individuals to engage deeply with language and ideas, honing their analytical skills in the process.

कवितेचे विश्लेषण आणि अर्थ लावण्यासाठी आलोचनात्मक विचार कौशल्ये आवश्यक असतात. काव्यात्मक प्रशंसा व्यक्तींना भाषेत आणि कल्पनांमध्ये सखोलपणे गुंतण्यासाठी प्रोत्साहित करते.

4) Creativity and Expression: Poetic appreciation nurtures creativity by exposing individuals to different styles, forms, and techniques of writing. It encourages them to experiment with language and imagery in their own writing, fostering self-expression and artistic growth.

काव्यात्मक प्रशंसा व्यक्तींना वेगवेगळ्या शैली, फॉर्म आणि लेखनाच्या तंत्रांसमोर आणून सर्जनशीलतेचे पोषण करते. हे त्यांना त्यांच्या स्वत: च्या लेखनात भाषा आणि प्रतिमा वापरण्यासाठी, आत्म-अभिव्यक्ती आणि कलात्मक वाढीस प्रोत्साहन देते.

5) Connection and Communication: Poetry often addresses universal themes and experiences that resonate across cultures and time periods. By appreciating poetry, individuals can connect with others who share similar thoughts and feelings, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

कविता सहसा सार्वभौमिक थीम आणि अनुभवांना संबोधित करते जे संस्कृती आणि कालखंडात प्रतिध्वनी करतात. कवितेचे रसग्रहण करून, व्यक्ती समान विचार आणि भावना सामायिक करणाऱ्या इतरांशी संपर्क साधू शकतात तसेच अन्य समुदायाशी आपलेपणाची भावना वाढवू शकतात.

In summary, poetic appreciation is important for its role in cultural preservation, emotional insight, critical thinking, creativity, connection, aesthetic enjoyment, and healing. By engaging with poetry, individuals can enrich their lives and deepen their understanding of themselves and the world around them.

सांस्कृतिक जतन, भावनिक अंतरदृष्टी, टीकात्मक विचार, सर्जनशीलता, सौंदर्याचा आनंद आणि अनुभव यामधील वृद्धीसाठी काव्यात्मक रसग्रहण महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे. कवितेमध्ये गुंतून राहून, व्यक्ती त्यांचे जीवन समृद्ध करू शकते आणि स्वतःबद्दल आणि त्यांच्या सभोवतालच्या जगाबद्दल त्यांची समज वाढवू शकते.

Class XII Poetic Appreciation-

Maharashtra state board English activity sheet contains one topic i.e. poetic appreciation for four marks.

See the activity and scheme of marking-

Q. 3 (B) Read the extract and write as per the instructions:

(Seen extract of10 – 15 lines from another poem, not asked in Q.3 A)

Scheme of Marking

Appropriate theme
language features
Explanation and Presentation (01)
Personal opinion and evaluation(01)

Guidelines for writing poetic appreciation-

1) Take any four points as headings and write the answer in different paragraphs.

2) It is not compulsory to choose specific points to write appreciation.

3) In the exam, no hint points will be given.

4) It is expected that good poetic appreciation should contain the following points-

i) About the poem / poet/title

ii) Theme

iii) Poetic devices, language, style

iv) Special features-tone and type

v) Values, message

vi) Your opinion about the poem

(Students can use any four points to write answer. But it is expected to consider all the above hint points to write good appreciation.)

5) Do not write poetic appreciation in tabular format. Write answer using different passages.

Here the table of appreciation is given only to remember the important information. Using it, students can write appreciation in different passages. Students are free to write poetic appreciation as per their understanding. It’s a creative work. So use the following table only as a support material.

महत्त्वाची माहिती लक्षात ठेवण्यासाठीच इथे कवितेच्या महितेचा तक्ता दिला आहे. त्याचा वापर करून, विद्यार्थी वेगवेगळ्या परिच्छेदांमध्ये कवितेचे रसग्रहण लिहू शकतात. विद्यार्थी त्यांच्या आकलना मार्फत रसग्रहण लिहू शकतात. हे एक सर्जनशील काम आहे. त्यामुळे खालील तक्त्याचा वापर फक्त आधार साहित्य म्हणून करा.

How to Remember Poetic Appreciation

परीक्षेला लक्षात राहण्यासाठी मुद्दे. परीक्षेला टेबल मध्ये उत्तर लिहू नये.

Poem and PoetThemePoetic DeviceSpecial Feature/
1. Poem: Song of the Open Road
The poem is about the journey of life.  

Poet: Walt Whitman
He was an American poet, essayist and journalist. He is often called ‘The Father of Free Verse.’

The road signifies ‘mobility.’ One can take the road as a point  to start over towards something new.
Metaphor, Paradox, Repetition are the prominent figures of speech used in this poem.
The poem is written in Free Verse.
The poet expresses the concept of freedom.
The road in the poem does not mean only the road to travel.
The poet wants to suggest the road of life.
I like these special features of this poem.
2. Poem : Indian Weavers
It is a short poem where the poet talks about three types of garments that the weavers weave at three particular times of a day.  

Poet- Sarojini Naidu She was a  political  activist,  feminist  and an important figure in India’s Freedom Struggle.
The poem represents the three important events of human life: birth (childhood), adulthood (young) and death (old).   The colours mentioned in the stanzas indicate the moods related to the events.Figures of speech used in this poem are -Metaphor, Simile Imagery Metaphor Alliteration.   The poem has two rhyming couplets.  
The poem has been written in iambic tetrameter.  
The poet has used vivid imagery in correlating the parts of day to the stages of life.
The poem depicts three stages of life associated with colour scheme.
It is the special feature of this poem.
I like the poem very much.
3. Poem: The Inchcape Rock-
It describes jealousy and its harsh impact.  

Poet: Robert Southey:
He was a Poet Laureate of England. Some of his short poems are  very popular with  the school children.
If you do bad things to people, bad things will happen to youThe Inchcape Rock is written in the form of a ballad. Figures of speech like alliteration, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia and repetition are used here. As the poem was written in 18th century, it is rich with symbol, imagery and archaism.The poem gives us a message that those who do wrong things will meet with due punishment.
I like the poem very much as it contains a good moral story.
4. Poem- Have you Earned your Tomorrow-
It describes the need to behave properly.  

Poet: Edgar Guest-
Edgar Guest is known as ‘people’s poet’ for his simple style and optimistic tone of writing.
One should consider one’s actions and deeds carefully and plan accordingly for a better future.It is a four-verse poem that is divided into sets of 4 lines (quatrains).
The poetic devices like Interrogation, Alliteration, Inversion, Antithesis, Personification, and Synecdoche are used in the poem.
The poem inspires readers to do good things in their life.
I like this poem very much because it gives an inspiration to be a good human being.
5. Poem- Father Returning Home-
The poem depicts dull, monotonous, exhausting and equally pitiable daily routine of age-old person.  

Poet: Dilip Chitre-
He was a celebrated bilingual poet a translator with a remarkable work in Marathi and English.
Painful loneliness is a symbol of man’s isolation from the materialistic man-made world.It is written in simple narrative form. It is a monologue.
The poem consists of two stanzas of 12 lines each. It is written in free verse.
It creates sympathy for old persons. I like the poem very much.
6. poem- Money-
The poem tells us about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find the real happiness.  

Poet : William H. Davies-
He was a Welsh  poet and writer.
Money cannot give you true happiness and real friends.The poem consists of five stanzas of four line sonnets. The figures of speech used here are Inversion, Simile, Repetition, Onomatopoeia and AntithesisThe poet gives the message that money is not essential for happiness. Money invites many false and selfish people into our life. I like this message.
7. Poem- She Walks in Beauty-
The poem is a short, lyrical, and celebrating female beauty.

Poet: George Gordon Byron-
He is simply as Lord Byron. He was a famous English Romantic poet and also a satirist.
The poet describes one woman’s external appearance but also her inner goodness which makes her so captivatingly attractive.The poem is full of word imagery. The figures of speech used here are  Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Personification and AntithesisThe poem is about celebrating beauty. The poet brings a perfect balance of outer beauty and inner beauty. I like the poem very much.
8. Poem: Small Towns and Rivers-
It describes natural aspects of the poet’s area.  

Poet: Mamang Dai-
She is a strong voice from the North East, a writer and a poet par excellence whose work has the fragrance of her land and her people.
The poem is based on the belief of the tribal people from the North-East, that the souls of the beloved ones always continue to dwell in the natural elements around.The lines are short. The message is clear. The extensive use of personification is seen. Along with this other figure of speech used here are Metaphor and Antithesis.The poet has expressed anxiety at the developments in the small towns. I feel the emotions of the poet. I like the poem due to this emotional touch.

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Std. XII Result Date (Click Here)

See more perfect appreciation and activities on poetry section in the following book-

Class XII First Term Exam



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