Subject and verb agreement

Subject and verb agreement

Subject and verb agreement– Know more about it and Do solve the online test

Subject-verb agreement is that the verb in a sentence must match the number, person, and gender of the subject. It’s important grammar topic.

See Examples- Subject and verb agreement


(Choose the correct verb.)

1) The poet and philosopher (is /are) dead.

2) The poet and the philosopher (is /are) dead.

3) Slow and steady (win /wins) the race.

4) Bread and butter (is /are) his favourite food.

5) Early to bed and early to rise, (make /makes) a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

6) Each day and each hour (bring /brings) us fresh anxiety.

7) Every man and every woman in the village (was /were) terrified.

8) All (is /are) doing good job.

9) Rama, as well as her friend, (has /have) won the prize.

10) Iron, as well as gold, (is /are) found in India.

11) Half of the eggs (was /were) rotten.

12) The king, with all his ministers, (was /were) killed.

13) Half of the land (was /were) barren.

14) Neither of the two applicants (is /are) suitable.

15) Neither of them (like /likes) hard work.

16) Each of these boys (has /have) done his best.

17) Each one of these men (is /are) reliable.

18) Every one of the boat’s crew (was /were) absent.

19) His trousers (is /are) old.

20) Some of the houses (was /were) dark and dirty.


1) The poet and philosopher is dead.

2) The poet and the philosopher are dead.

3) Slow and steady wins the race.

4) Bread and butter is his favourite food.

5) Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

6) Each day and each hour brings us fresh anxiety.

7) Every man and every woman in the village was terrified.

8) Rama, as well as her friend, has won the prize.

9) Iron, as well as gold, is found in India.

10) The king, with all his ministers, was killed.

11) Neither of the two applicants is suitable.

12) Neither of them likes hard work.

13) Each of these boys has done his best.

14) Each one of these men is reliable.

15) Every one of the boat’s crew was absent.

16) Each of these boys has done his best.

17) Each one of these men is reliable.

18) Every one of the boat’s crew was absent.

19) His trousers are old.

20) Some of the houses were dark and dirty.

Do solve the online tests based on – Subject and verb agreement

Test No. 1 (Subject and verb agreement)

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Test No. 2 (Subject and verb agreement)

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See More

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6) Grammar Quizes

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See Grammar Rules, solved grammar sentences and practice MCQ type Grammar activities with answers in the book- English Grammar Activity Workbook by Prof. Tushar Chavan

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Test No. 4 (Subject and verb agreement)

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